
  • 网络batam;Batam Island
  1. 从中国有直接飞往巴淡岛的国际机杨。

    Direct Flights to Batam international air-port from China .

  2. 巴淡岛非常接近新加坡是经济急剧增长的动力。

    Isla Batam very close proximately to Singapore is a very strong economic growth drive .

  3. 象你这样每次去巴淡岛玩。

    If you carry on like this .

  4. 在新加坡南面的巴淡岛,有目击者称看到飞机在空中发生爆炸。

    A witness says they saw an explosion in the air over the island , south of Singapore .

  5. 银天是在东南亚巴淡岛的一个风景如画海滨开发物业,临近新加坡。

    Silver Sky is a frontline beach property development on the picturesque Isla Batam in the South East Asia .

  6. 有统计表明,印度尼西亚巴淡岛位于这项变化的前沿,每年增长速度达到7.4%。

    By one count , Batam , Indonesia , is leading the charge , with annual growth of 7.4 percent .

  7. 从新加坡的海港有非常频繁渡轮出发至巴淡岛。

    From Singapore : The harbor front Singapore have very frequent ferry departures to Isla Batam : From morning to night departures .

  8. 由于这种合作,他们在巴淡岛的城市大规模开发项目,酒店,购物商场和私人住宅。

    As a result of this collaboration , they have developed large scale projects such as the expansion of the Isla Batam 's city . Hotels , shopping malls and private residences .

  9. 从其他国家如中国,每日有航班到巴淡岛,您抵达巴淡岛国际机场,巴淡岛唯一的机场也是国际和国内的航楼。

    From other countries like China , there are daily flights to Isla Batam , you arrive via Isla Batam International airport , which IsIa Batam 's only airport with both international and domestic terminals .