
  • 网络crista membranes
  1. 融合膜中PSⅡ激发的电子推动嵴膜的电子传递和磷酸化

    The Excited Electrons From PS ⅱ in Fusion Membranes Can Drive the Electron Transport and Phosphorylation of Crista Membranes

  2. 残缺类囊体膜与嵴膜小囊的融合膜结构观察

    The structure examination of fusion membranes from deficient thylakoid membranes with crista vesicles

  3. 线粒体平均截面周长和平均截面积增加;比表面、嵴膜密度及嵴平均截线长减少。

    Mitochondrial average circumference and average area increased , while specific surface , the cristal membrane density and average cristal length decreased .

  4. 分别测量了线粒体的体密度、面数密度、外膜比表面和嵴膜面密度;

    Volume density , numerical density on area , outer membrane specific surface and crest membrane surface density of the mitochondria were calculated .

  5. 缺氧缺血新生鼠嵴膜密度的减少与线粒体呼吸功能、能量合成功能障碍密切相关。

    The decrease of mitochondrial cristal membrane density of hypoxic ischemic newborn rats was tightly related to dysfunction of mitochondrial respiration and energy synthesis .

  6. 30-BL光镜下还具有心肌细胞小灶性变性,电镜下还具有核周水肿,少部分线粒体的嵴或膜融合。

    Animals in 30-BL showed small focal degeneration of cardiomyocytes under the light microscope and edema around nuclear as well as small parts fusion of crista or membrane in mitochondrial under the electronic microscope .

  7. 线粒体空泡化,嵴和膜消失。

    Mitochondria appeared vacuolization , mitochondrial cristae and membrane disappeared .

  8. 电子显微镜观察到线粒体形态的发生了改变,细胞线粒体异常增大肿胀,线粒体嵴和膜破裂。

    Abnormal mitochondria membrane swelling and rupture , were observed by electron microscopy .

  9. 线粒体内嵴结构和膜结构遭到破坏;离子交联聚合物膜②骨嵴与双管状硬脊膜;

    The ridge structure and membrane structure within the mitochondrion were also destroyed ;

  10. 线粒体嵴致密,膜完整,无肿胀。

    Z line was clear , mitochondrial crista was compact , membrane was intact and without swelling .

  11. 在A、B两组牙槽嵴顶覆盖钛膜,四角用小钛钉固定,严密缝合牙龈。

    Cover the alveolar of A and B group with titanium membranes , fix four point with small titanium screw and suture contralateral gums tightly .

  12. 电镜观察:对照组:肌节排列整齐,Z线清晰,线粒体嵴致密,细胞膜完整,无肿胀,结构正常。

    Control group : sarcomere neatly , Z line clear , mitochondrial cristae density , cell membrane integrity , no swelling , structure is normal .

  13. 结论豚鼠壶腹嵴前庭毛细胞膜上存在M型和N型两种受体,M型受体激动剂引起VHC内[Ca2+]i的升高较N型明显。

    Conclusion The results indicated the presence of two types of cholinergic receptors on guinea pig VHCs , type M and type N.

  14. 结论预测不同患者可能出现局部解剖关系的变化和手术中可能出现的困难,结合手术中的具体情况,运用良好的手术技巧,可以减少蝶骨嵴内侧型肿膜瘤手术严重并发症的发生。

    Conclusion Severe surgical complications can be avoided if the surgeons , with great skills , are able to predict different topographic changes and difficulties encountered during operation in the light of the specific conditions in operation .
