
yá bì
  • precipice;cliff;escarpment
崖壁 [yá bì]
  • [cliff;escarpment;precipice] 山崖的陡立面

崖壁[yá bì]
  1. 当我们的一位队友冒险攀爬崖壁时,出现了比较危险的一刻。

    There was a dicey moment as one of our party made a risky climb up the cliff wall .

  2. 工人们沿着崖壁作了一次地质勘察。

    The workers skirted the edge of the cliff on a geological survey .

  3. 这个国家公园引人瞩目的垂直地貌——石塔、砂岩谷和陡峭崖壁——每年吸引250万游客前来游览。9.AcadiaNationalPark阿卡迪亚国家公园

    The park 's striking vertical topography - rock towers , sandstone canyons , and sharp cliffs - attracts 2.5 million visitors a year .

  4. 他们在清除崖壁上松动的石头。

    They were clearing away loose stones from the cliffs .

  5. 当亚瑟离开崖壁的时候,这两只初出茅庐的小家伙就会玩起游戏。

    When Arthur was away from the cliff , the fledglings played games .

  6. 韩佳,这里的崖壁上怎么刻了那么多小房子啊?

    Han Jia , why are there so many small cottages carved in the cliff ?

  7. 他挂在崖壁上,只靠手指和脚趾着力。

    He 'd be hanging by his fingertips and his toes and that 's it .

  8. 这些崖壁太险峻了,一旦开始爬就无法回头。

    And these were so steep that once he started he couldn 't turn back .

  9. 英格兰崖壁陡峭,高高耸立静谧的海湾,一望无际,微光闪闪。

    The cliffs of England stand ; Glimmering and vast , out in the tranquil bay .

  10. 交河故城崖壁裂隙灌浆效果的电法探测与评价

    Electrical surveying and evaluation of the grout filling effect for the cliff fractures in Jiaohe ancient city

  11. 猴子,猴子崖壁上居然有野生猴子!我相信它不会掉下来砸到我的!

    Monkey ! They look wild , but I believe they wouldn 't jump down and hurt me .

  12. 山脊斜坡向下,与山谷连接处是一个垂直的崖壁。大多数登山者都知道这里。

    It juts downward into the valley before it ends abruptly into a vertical wall known mostly to climbers .

  13. 一种具有黑亮叶片且通常生于崖壁的矮小的紧贴地面生长的匍匐北美洲蕨类。

    Very short shallowly creeping North American fern usually growing on cliffs or walls and having dark glossy leaf axes .

  14. 分布于欧亚大陆和北美陡峭崖壁地带(如山墙或悬崖)的一种小型铁角蕨。

    Small delicate spleenwort found on a steep slope ( as a wall or cliff ) of Eurasia and North America .

  15. 但最要命的还是庭院被不断坠落山崖的岩壁所“吞噬”。2007年,在购买了这幢别墅仅仅是八个月的时间,别墅主人便发现了因崖壁坠落而造成领地面积不断缩小的困扰。

    They bought the property only 18 months ago , aware that it had already suffered a devastating landslip in 2007 .

  16. 这只雄隼对着这片崖壁的热爱已成为它生命中最牢不可破的约定,甚至比它对伴侣的爱恋还要强。

    The male peregrine 's love of his cliff is the strongest bond in his life , even greater than the attachment to his mate .

  17. 安通国家海洋公园由42个天堂般的小岛组成,石灰岩质的崖壁以及丰富多样的奇异野生物让人叹为观止。

    Explore this large marine park , consisting of42 paradise islands , and take in breathtaking limestone cliff formations and a wide range of exotic wildlife .

  18. 他花了32年的时间只身在坚硬的崖壁间挖出半英里长的隧道,但却从来缄口不提。

    Although he spent 32 years of his life single-handedly digging a half-mile long tunnel through a solid granite mountain , he never talked much about it .

  19. 他深受触动,在距离城中心约50里的砂石崖壁上开掘了一处洞穴用以打坐,这座洞穴如今称为莫高窟。

    He was so overwhelmed he chiseled a cave for meditation in a vast sandstone cliff about 15 miles from the city center at a place now known as the Mogao Caves .

  20. 在攀岩圣地,你会发现千百万年前留传下来的海砂,以及紧挨着崖壁、未经风化的海岸地形。

    In the rock-climbing site we consider holy , you will find sand millions of years old and the coasts that have not been touched by the weathering process next to the cliff .

  21. 该基地依山傍水,完全以天然崖壁、自然景观为依托,体能消耗较大。

    This base is situated at the foot of a hill and beside a stream , completely take the natural escarpment , the natural landscape as the backing , the physical ability consumption is big .

  22. 曹军船只一时尽著,岸上营落,火逐风飞,烈焰冲天,一片火海,把南岸崖壁照得一派通红,赤壁也因此得名。

    Cao moment to make a vessel , operating off shore , the wind flying by the fire , flames into the sky , a sea of fire , to illuminate the school of the south bank of red cliffs , hence the name Red Cliff .

  23. 根据比赛规则,坦克必须通过20公里的路程,克服障碍区、浅滩、陡坡、浮桥和崖壁在内的各项障碍,并在行进过程中完成各种射击任务。

    According to the rules , the tanks must negotiate a 20 kilometre course while facing various obstacles , including a slalom section , river shallows , a steep hill , a pontoon bridge and an escarpment , and shoot a set of targets along the way .