
  • 网络camellia oil;tsubaki oil
  1. 结果山茶油可有效促进非甾体抗炎药的经皮渗透率(除双氯芬酸钠外),尤其对氟比洛芬,促渗效果最明显(P0.01),其增渗倍数达到3.51;

    Results Camellia oil could effectively enhance the permeation of drugs through the excited rat skin especially for flurbiprofen ( P0.01 ) with the R_e value ( 3.51 . )

  2. 此外,山茶油还有一定的通便作用。

    In addition , the camellia oil there is a certain catharsis .

  3. 茶油(Camelliaoil)又名山茶油,是从山茶属油茶树种籽中提取的木本植物油。

    Camellia Oil is one of the woody oil , milled from tea plant .

  4. 而线性判别式分析(LDA)对山茶油和芝麻油的掺假都有较好的检测效果,并优于PCA方法。

    Linear discriminant analysis ( LDA ) is more effective than PCA , which can be used in adulteration detection of both camellia seed oil and sesame oil .

  5. 山茶油对非甾体抗炎药经皮渗透的促进作用

    Effects of camellia oil on permeation of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

  6. 山茶油的营养价值与保健功能

    Nutritional value and health care function of camellia seed oil

  7. 山茶油生物柴油特性及用于柴油机的性能与排放研究

    Research on Characteristics of Camellia oil Biodiesel and Its Using in Diesel Engine

  8. 未脱脂山茶油在冬季气温较低时出现混浊现象,影响产品的外在质量。

    Tea seed oil has the turbid phenomenon when the temperature gets lower in winter .

  9. 另外,对于皮肤刮伤的护理,山茶油也起到很好的消毒、防止伤口发炎的作用。

    Also , for skin care after shaving , this is perfect as an after-shave lotion .

  10. 所以,天然山茶油最适合于保持皮脂含量,呵护您的皮肤。

    Therefore , natural camellia oil is most suitable for obtaining sebum to care for your skin .

  11. 山茶油能促进骨骼生长,促进矿剂的生成和钙的吸收。

    Camellia oil can promote bone growth , promote the generation of mining agents and calcium absorption .

  12. 山茶油在被发现有增强防辐射的功能后,就被用来制作宇航员的食品。

    Camellia oil being found to have enhanced radiation protection feature , it was used to make astronaut food .

  13. 本文采用电子鼻系统对山茶油、芝麻油的掺假(大豆油)作了检测。

    An electronic nose was used for detection of soy bean oil adulteration in camellia seed oil and sesame oil .

  14. 根据其成分和可消化性,山茶油是最近似于人奶的自然脂肪。

    According to their composition and digestibility , camellia oil is the most similar to the natural human milk fat .

  15. 经油茶籽提炼出来的山茶油,油酸和亚油酸含量合计在80%以上,具有很强的保健功能。

    The camellia oil has high nutrition value on accounted of oleic acid and linoleic acid contents being more than 80 % .

  16. 结论山茶油作为一种低毒、无刺激性的渗透促进剂,能够有效提高药物的经皮渗透效果,具有良好的开发应用前景。

    Conclusions Camellia oil may be developed as an effective penetration enhancer with low toxin and without irritation which is worthy of exploitation .

  17. 基于电子鼻山茶油芝麻油掺假的检测研究利用米酒糟培养泰山赤芝工艺条件研究

    Detection of Adulteration in Camellia Seed Oil and Sesame Oil Using an Electronic Nose Optimization of Ganoderma lucidum cultivation conditions by rice wine lees

  18. 龙井茶又名长寿延年茶。山茶油(又名山茶油,野山茶油,茶籽油,油茶籽油)。

    Long Tea is also called the Longevity Tea . Camellia oil ( Latin name , Camellia oleifera seed oil ) is also called camellia seed oil .

  19. 方法采用两室扩散池装置,以离体大鼠腹部皮肤为渗透屏障,用预处理皮肤法考察山茶油的促渗透作用;

    Methods The percutaneous penetration experiment was performed on a 2-chamber diffusion cell in vitro with the application of camellia oil to the skin as a penetration enhancer .

  20. 假使我真的去试探一下,准会碰一鼻子灰。基于电子鼻山茶油芝麻油掺假的检测研究

    If I did try to do anything , I 'd only get sent off with a flea in my ear . Detection of Adulteration in Camellia Seed Oil and Sesame Oil Using an Electronic Nose

  21. 观察组52例,便后先常规温水清洗干净肛门周围,再采用温茶水冲洗,然后涂以少量山茶油保护肛门周围皮肤。

    The observation group 52 examples , after then first around the conventional lukewarm water clean anus , then use the warm tea flushing , then spreads by the few camellia-oils protection anus around the skin .

  22. 山茶油以其独特的食疗双效,被称为油中之王,又由于产量有限,其价格比普通的食用植物油要高出许多。

    The camellia oil , which has unique therapeutic effect , is known as the king of oils , and because of its limited production , its price is much higher than other common edible vegetable oils .

  23. 研究了大豆油、玉米油、葵花籽油掺入到山茶油中的掺伪二元体系定性鉴别和定量测定。

    Qualitative and Quantitative determination of the adulterated binary system which was comprised of pure camellia oil samples mixed with various concentrations of soybean oil , corn oil and sunflower seed oil were researched by using near infrared spectroscopy .

  24. 茶籽油是从山茶属油茶树种籽中提取的木本植物油。

    Camellia Oil is one of the woody oil , milled from tea plant seed .

  25. 低温冷榨条件下得到的山茶油酸值和过氧化值较低,油脂色泽浅,山茶油品质较好。

    The acid value and peroxide value of the oil of cold pressing were low , and the color of oil was light , and the quality of Camellia oil was good .