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shān gǒu
  • Coyote;culpeo
山狗[shān gǒu]
  1. 我们从未在家狗身上发现任何存在于非洲野狗豺山狗身上的线粒体DNA

    so we never see a mitochondrial signature of saying An african wild dog , jackal or coyote in a domestic dog .

  2. 人们不是应该害怕山狗吗?

    Aren 't people supposed to be scared of coyotes ?

  3. 现在又放了头山狗去逮雪貂。

    And now we 've sent a coyote in after the ferret .

  4. 他们说一旦山狗掉进陷阱。

    And they say that when a coyote is trapped .

  5. 山狗嗥叫,有著同样的愿望。

    The coyotes howl with the same wish .

  6. 或者山狗吃了会生病的。

    Or a coyote might get sick .

  7. 为什么是罗德阿,这个瑞士26个州中倒数第二小的、以奶酪和强壮的山狗闻名的地方,竟成为以以一些冒险为主题的裸体徒步的胜地。

    Why Appenzell , the second smallest of Switzerland's26 cantons , known for its cheese and sturdy mountain dogs , became a nude-hiking mecca is the subject of some speculation .