
  • 网络YAMAUCHI;Yamanouchi;Edwin M. Yamauchi
  1. 它位于河南省西部的太行山内,离洛阳(Luoyang)市不很远(在北京西南大约700公里)。

    It is located inside a mountain range in the western part of Henan province , not far from Luoyang City ( around700km southwest of Beijing ) .

  2. 三菱的logo是岩崎家族的家族标志「三段菱」和土佐藩主山内家族的家族标志“三柏菱”的结合,后来逐渐演变成今天的三菱标志,以三颗菱形钻石为标志。

    The logo represents this by combining two " crests " - the three-leaf crest of the Tosa Clan and the Iwasaki family crest , which showed three diamonds stacked on top of each other .

  3. 《福布斯》杂志日前公布了日本年度富豪榜,由于“任天堂”Wii游戏机的热销,“任天堂”前任董事长山内溥以78亿美元的身价成为日本首富。

    Soaring sales of Nintendo 's Wii game machine have made former Nintendo chairman Hiroshi Yamauchi Japan 's richest man , worth $ 7.8 billion , Forbes magazine said in its annual rankings .

  4. 西部山内蕴藏金矿和汉白玉大理石,且储量丰富。

    Gold reserves in the western mountains and White Marble marble , and rich reserves .

  5. 山内说,此时说这种话好像很奇怪,但这就是我此刻的感觉,没法子。

    ' It seems strange to say shoganai with something like this , but that 's just the way I feel . Shoganai , 'said Ms.

  6. 你在那地不缺食物,一无所缺。那地的石头是铁,山内可以挖铜。

    A land where bread will not be scarce and you will lack nothing ; a land where the rocks are iron and you can dig copper out of the hills .

  7. 这座山内千年修行的白骨精,她听说吃了唐僧肉可长生不老,于是她三次设计捉拿唐僧。

    This mountain did indeed have a corpse fiend called Lady White Bone , who had been here for a thousand years . It had heard that anyone who ate a piece of the Tang Priest 's flesh will live forever , so it tried three times to capture him .

  8. 各类构造应变场的最高值都出现在喜马拉雅构造带与昆仑山地块内(地震断裂带南侧),鲜水河安宁河断裂带次之。

    The maximum of strain rate exists in the Himalaya tectonic zone and Kunlun mountain block .

  9. 江西省都昌县矶山联圩内坡护坡方式选择及应用

    Slope ( inside slope ) protection pattern selection and appliance about Jishan dyke in Duchang County in Jiangxi Province

  10. 白芒山辉石闪长岩体位于安徽铜陵狮子山矿田内,属于高钾钙碱性岩系,形成时代为燕山晚期。

    Baimangshan pyroxene diorite , which is located in Shizishan orefield , Tongling area , Anhui Province , belongs to high K calc-alkali series intruded in late Yanshanian .

  11. 狮子山矿田内分布着一系列燕山期岩浆岩,岩性主要为辉石闪长岩、石英闪长岩和花岗闪长岩。

    Baimangshan , Qingshanjiao and Nanhongchong intrusions in the Shizishan orefield , Tongling area , Anhui province , are composed of pyroxene diorite , quartz diorite and granodiorite , respectively .

  12. 实验结果表明,泰山顶O3小时平均浓度频率分布比较集中,山大校园内O3小时平均浓度频率分布比较分散。

    The frequency distribution of ozone concentration on the top of Mountain Tai is centralized ; and it is disperse on the campus of Shandong University .

  13. 于北大屿山郊野公园内进行土木工事及建筑工程。

    Earthworks and building works in the Lantau North Country Park .

  14. 但生长地点位于大屿山郊野公园内而受到保护。

    The locality is within Lantau Country Park under protection .

  15. 开花前后山茱萸枝条内糖的变化

    Changes of Sugar Content in Common Macrocarpium ( Macrocarpium officinalis ) During Flowering

  16. 依据亲子回归方程、性状的正态分布,建立了山葡萄种内杂交果穗重、果粒重、浆果可溶性固形物含量3个数量性状的模拟育种模型。

    Their simulated breeding model are established too by three characters regression equation and normal distribution .

  17. 我们的军队要准备对付那些在每个山上要塞内绝望的抵抗到底的敌人吗?

    Would our army have to prepare to fight desperate bitter-enders in every mountains fastness of Japan ?

  18. 山葡萄种内杂交后代浆果色素、单宁和总酸含量的遗传分析

    Genetic Analyses of Fruit Pigment , Tannin and Total Acid of Progenies of Vitis amurensis via Intraspecific Hybridization

  19. 她怀疑患上了肺结核病,于是她被送到山上市镇内休养。

    After falling ill with suspected tuberculosis , she was sent to the hill town of Darjeeling to recover .

  20. 对兰州南北两山绿化区内的土壤蒸发状况,进行比较系统的试验研究。

    We have systematically studied the soil water evaporation of planted vegetation in the southern and northern mountains of Lanzhou city .

  21. 山茱萸种内主要经济性状变异较大,进行选优育种有广泛的物质基础。

    The great variation of major economic properties existing in Macrocarpi-um officinale trees provides a extensive material basis for plus tree selection and breeding .

  22. 测定了山葡萄种内6个杂交组合888株杂交后代实生苗浆果的总酸、单宁和果皮色素(色价)的含量并对其进行了遗传分析。

    Fruit pigment , tannin and total acid of 888 progenies plants of 6 crossbred combinations of Vitis amurensis were observed via intraspecific hybrIdization .

  23. 某天,金将军的政府将曾被视为朝鲜半岛和解象征的金刚山旅游区内的韩方资产收归己有。

    One day his government was seizing the assets of a South Korean tourism venture in the North once hailed as a symbol of detente .

  24. 与此同时,8月22日朝鲜宣布没收靠近朝韩边界的金刚山旅游区内的韩方资产,标志着朝韩关系仍旧高度紧张。

    Meanwhile North Korea 's announcement on August 22nd that it was seizing the assets of a South Korean tourism venture at Mt Kumgang near the border was a sign that tensions with South Korea still run high .

  25. 东祁连山珠芽蓼内生细菌功能多样性研究及其鉴定

    Identification and Diversity Function Study of Endophytic Bacterias from Polygonum Viviparum in the Eastern Qilian Mountains

  26. 大型的薰衣草农场沿着阿尔卑斯山在普罗旺斯区域内一路分布着。

    Major lavender farms stretch along the foothills of the Alps in the Provence-Alpes-C ? te d'Azur region .

  27. 石城山文化旅游区内的资源开发和项目建设;房地产开发;生产销售旅游产品。

    Shicheng Hill area of cultural tourism resources development and projects ; Real estate development ; Production sales tourism products .

  28. 耶稣被钉死在十字架上后,他的尸体就被置于山边的洞穴内。

    After Jesus died on the cross ( 3 ), his body was put in a cave on the side of a mountain .

  29. 在被囚禁于亚山的炙热核心内数个世纪之后,鄂加斯的眼中只剩下痛苦、疯狂、饥饿和仇恨。

    After centuries of imprisonment in the fiery core of Ashan , Urgash 's eyes reflect only pain , madness , hunger , and hatred .

  30. 在古代一座山上的寺院内,一个小和尚通过习武,从其无知的童年长大成人,最终进入大智大勇的人生境界。

    In an ancient temple we encounter a little boy through practicing Kungfu and Zen he becomes a master and finally reaches the sacred goal of enlightenment .