
  1. 辜鸿铭与历史文化屏蔽现象

    Gu Hong-ming and the Shielding Phenomena of Historical Culture

  2. 用静电场的惟一性定理分析空腔导体的静电屏蔽现象

    The Analysis on the Phenomena of Conductor Static Electricity Shield by Electricity Field Theorem

  3. 医用多孔钛可以通过调节孔隙率达到与骨组织相匹配的力学性能,减轻钛植入体与骨组织间的应力屏蔽现象。

    Medical porous titanium can be adjusted porosity and mechanical properties to match the bone tissue as titanium implant for reduce the stress shielding phenomenon .

  4. 分析了碳纳米管尖端局部电场强度的增强效应和相邻碳纳米管之间的电场屏蔽现象。

    For the calculation result , the enhancement effect of electric field intensity at the carbon nanotube tip and the field-screening phenomena between carbon nanotubes tip were analyzed .

  5. 同时由于凝汽器结构复杂性,保护过程中电屏蔽现象严重,均易造成碳钢欠保护和钛过保护现象。

    At the same time , for the complex structure of condenser and electro-shield , it will cause steel under-protection and titanium overprotection in the process of protection , too .

  6. 宜选用孔结构分布较宽的载体制备催化剂,使孔屏蔽现象在更宽操作范围内存在,并采用合适的加氢反应物流进行操作以降低参数灵敏性。

    Using support with wide-range pores to prepare catalyst is preferred for pore blocking could occur in a more extensive region . Besides , operation under a suitable reactant flow rate could decrease parametric sensitivity .

  7. 采用含透射衰减的褶积模型做正演运算,能够校正地层透射对波阻抗反演结果的影响,尤其能够消除地层的屏蔽现象。

    Seismic data processing practices demonstrate that the seismic convolution model can be used to correct transmission attenuation component by means of impedance inversion , with the merit of avoiding the screen effect of strata .

  8. 将唯一性定理应用到静电屏蔽现象中,从理论上解释了该现象,并得出了封闭导体壳内外电势与电荷之间的定性关系。

    The uniqueness theorem is applied in the phenomenon that static electric field is shielded , it explains this phenomenon , and the relation of potential with charge is obtained inside and outside the closed metallic housing .

  9. 本文运用唯一性定理解释了静电屏蔽现象,并分析讨论了解决实际问题的静电屏蔽原则及其应用。

    The uniqueness theorem is applied in the phenomenon that static electric field is shielded , it explains the phenomenon . On the basic of theorem , the paper discusses the principle of Static Electric Shield and application .

  10. 随着信息化程度越来越高,企业IT资产的信息孤岛现象也越来越严重,然而业务需求的高速变化却希望屏蔽这些孤立现象,统筹管理这些数据。

    With more and more high-level information system being used , the information enterprise IT assets island is also becoming more and more serious , but the rapid changes in business requirements hope shielding these isolated phenomenon .

  11. 通过波矢不确定性与纳米线直径的关系、InAs纳米线中载流子的分布、载流子浓度相关的Fermi-Thomas屏蔽效应对该现象进行了理论分析,给出了合理的解释。

    The nanowire diameter related wave vector uncertainty , carrier distribution in InAs nanowires and the carrier concentration related Fermi-Thomas screening effect were proposed to play important roles for this phenomenon .

  12. 从知识动力学的角度,对组织中的知识屏蔽和知识延迟现象进行了复杂性分析。

    The author tries to analyse the complexity of knowledge mask and knowledge delay in organization from the angle of the knowledge dynamics of general organization .