- 名microcolony

Small Colony Variants : a Pathogenic Form of Bacteria that Facilitates Persistent and Recurrent Infections
Phenotypically , small colony variants have a slow growth rate , atypical colony morphology and unusual biochemical characteristics , making them a challenge for clinical microbiologists to identify .
In the sixties and seventies , researchers found some petites defect in utilization of galactose , maltose and other carbon sources , and speculated that there must be some signals that from mitochondria responsible for this phenotype .
The auxotrophs obtained by nitrosoguanidine treatment were used as the markers for nuclear genotype of the haploid parents , and at the same time the petite form with mitochondrial mutation in globorubermycin resistance was used as the marker for mitochondrial genotype of fusion parents .
Method : 1 . plate culture and small steel ring culture method On 4 granuloma strains and 4 tinea strains in 25 ℃ and 37 ℃ respectively , to observe the colony morphology and microscopic morphology . 2 .