
  • 网络Service quality of tour guides;Quality of tour-guide service;quality of tour guide service
  1. GB/T15971-1995导游服务质量

    Quality of tour-guide service

  2. 基于游客感知的导游服务质量管理研究

    Study on Management of Service Quality of Tour Guide Perceived by Tourists

  3. 对提高导游服务质量的探讨

    Think about Increasing of the Guiding Service Quality

  4. 因此提高导游服务质量具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is highly important to raise the quality of tour guides .

  5. 如何科学持久地提升贵州导游服务质量

    How to improve the service quality of tour guides in Guizhou in a sustained way

  6. 这二者正是制约导游服务质量提高的根本原因。要解决这一问题,首先要力促导游职业终身化,甚至可以考虑将导游纳入专业技术人员类别内;

    These are the basic reasons to restrict the improvement of the tourism service quality .

  7. 导游服务质量一直是旅游服务领域中争议的焦点。

    Service quality of a tour guide has always been the focus of controversy in the area of tourism service .

  8. 提高导游服务质量的新视角&兼论我国导游管理和研究20年

    New Visual Angle of Improving the Quality of Guide Service s & Concurrently A Review of Guide Service Management and Research in the Past 20 Years

  9. 导游服务质量问题的根源分析与对策研究&基于利益相关者理论和游客感知视角

    An Analysis of the Source of Problems regarding Tour Guide Service Quality and Study for Countermeasures & Based on Stakeholder Theory and Visitors ' Perceptive Visual Angle

  10. 所以,导游服务质量的好坏不仅关系到游客参观游览效果的大小,而且关系到游客在使用其它旅游服务时的态度。

    Therefore , the quality of tour guides not only affects the result of tour activities , but affects the willingness of tourists for more tour services .

  11. 导游服务质量的好坏直接影响着旅行社产品的销售,而导游员的满意度直接影响着导游的服务质量。

    The quality of tourist service directly affects the selling of travel agency , while the satisfaction degree is also a direct factor to the quality of tourist service .

  12. 文章从介绍游客感知导游服务质量的概念及其内涵,分析游客对导游人员服务质量的感知形成过程入手。

    It starts from recommending the conception and the connotation of service quality of tour guides perceived by visitors , and analyze forming process of visitors ' perception to service quality of tour guides .

  13. 本文基于IPA与Co-Plot分析技术,从国内旅游者的视角出发对国内导游的服务质量问题进行了分析,结果发现,国内旅游者对国内导游服务质量的满意度评价远低于其期望值。

    Based on the analysis technology of TPA and Co-Plot , this article analyzed the domestic tour guiding service quality from the view of the domestic tourists . And the results show that the service quality assessment is under the expectation a lot .

  14. 近年来,随着旅游业的发展,导游人员的服务质量问题越来越引起了人们的普遍关注。

    Recently , with the development of tourism , the quality of tour guides has drawn more and more attention from people .

  15. 改善和提高导游人员的服务质量与水平需要政府、行业和旅游企业共同努力,建立一个符合市场规律的管理体系。

    Improving the service level and quality of cicerone team needs joint efforts from government , industry , consensus and tourism enterprises to establish a management system according to market laws .

  16. 随着我国旅游业的发展,旅游市场的竞争日趋激烈,导游人员的服务质量越来越成为影响旅行社产品质量的关键因素之一。

    Along with development in domestic tourism industry and the high competition in the tour market now , the service quality of the tour guide has being become one of the pivotal factors which influence service product quality of the travel agency more and more .

  17. 如果导游人员整体的服务质量都高,那么对游客的效用也大,游客的满意程度就高。

    If the quality of overall tour guides is high , the tour guide service will prove more effective and tourists will be more satisfied .

  18. 创新导游激励模式提高导游服务质量&创设导游激励体系,兼与广州市旅游局商榷社会导游、导游服务公司及旅行社之间法律关系的廓清

    The Innovation of Cicerone Stimulation Mode and the Improvement of Cicerone Service Quality ; On the Expurgation of Legal Relations between Part-time Tour Guides , Tour Guide Service Companies and Travel Agencies

  19. 由于导游员本身和外在的多种因素影响,导游服务质量、水平和行业管理方面存在缺憾,致使旅游满意度下降。

    Due to the different factors , such as the guides themselves and other external factors , there are some deficiencies in the service quality , level and management , all which cause the decline of the customer satisfactions .

  20. 导游人员职业道德水平的高低直接影响着导游人员的接待服务质量和旅游地的形象,决定我国旅游业能否健康有序地发展,因此进一步提高导游人员的职业道德水平显得尤为重要。

    The degree of the level of the tour-guide s occupational ethics directly influences the quality of their reception services and the images of the resorts .

  21. 从导游自身素养和行业环境两个角度来阐述为何目前贵州导游服务质量总体偏低,并本着标本兼治的原则,对如何实现贵州导游服务质量的可持续提升提出了科学合理的对策和建议。

    This article discusses why the service quality of tour guides in Guizhou is somewhat dissatisfactory at two angles of attainment in self-cultivation and travel industry environment and also it presents scientific and reasonable countermeasures and suggestions in line with the principle of seeking both temporary and permanent solutions .

  22. 导游薪酬制度是搞好导游管理工作的核心制度之一,其合理与否将直接影响导游服务的质量。

    The salary system is very important to the management of the tourist guide , its rationality has the immediate influence to the grade of service .