
wēi shì
  • power and influence;power;power and prestige
威势 [wēi shì]
  • (1) [power]∶威力权势

  • 倚仗威势

  • (2) [power and prestige] 〈方〉∶威风

  • (3) [power and influence]∶威力和气势

  • 入夜,酷暑的威势才稍稍减退

威势[wēi shì]
  1. 那一天,特制的豪华车厢里,坐满了头戴花翎,身着官服的官员们,慑于李鸿章的威势,他们不敢不来开平。

    At that day , the luxurious car was full of official who dared not to come to Kaiping as being awed the power and influence of Li Hongzhang .

  2. 她知道自己会屈服于对方的威势。

    She knew that she 'd let herself be steamrollered .

  3. 在威势凛凛的仪仗导从下,吴王登上一座山峰。

    Led by the stately honor guards , King Wu climbed up a mountain peak .

  4. 他声音不大然而威势逼人地开始发布命令。

    He began softly and yet imperiously to issue his commands .

  5. 大家都知道猫是爱,真正拿出大的威势来海洋生物。

    We all know that cats are loving and truly awe-inspiring creatures .

  6. 借。狐狸假借老虎的威势。

    A fox caught by a tiger struck an idea of survival .

  7. 谁有特权处在威势赫赫的体制内部?

    Who has the right to be within the system of power and righteousness ?

  8. 那个国王是个威势无比的君主而且十分傲慢,生性残暴,待人苛刻。

    The King is a mighty monarch but full of pride , harsh and cruel .

  9. 她的个子不高,但是很有威势。

    She was short and commanding .

  10. 在这样荣耀威势上,在伊甸园诸树中,谁能与你相比呢。

    To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden ?

  11. 信心能协助神,信心能叫神命令封住狮子的口,能叫神使火失其威势。

    Faith assists God . It can stop the mouth of lions and quench the violence of fire .

  12. 这个威势一直要传到后代,保持下去,这是本钱。

    We should pass this fighting spirit on to future generations for them to maintain , because it is our capital .

  13. 不论在哪一家大银行,帐部是个独立的监督机构,它拥有的威势和权力实不亚于军队里的总监。

    Within any major bank an audit department was an independent , watchdog unit with authority and prerogatives like the Inspectorate General of an army .

  14. 田野的走兽住在其下;天空的飞鸟宿在枝上。王啊,这渐长又坚固的树就是你。你的威势渐长及天,你的权柄管到地极。

    That tree is you , O king , for your kingdom is grown and become strong , and you rule to the end of the earth .

  15. 第二天,亚基帕和百尼基大张威势而来,同著众千夫长和城里的尊贵人进了公厅。

    23 the next day Agrippa and Bernice came with great pomp and entered the audience room with the high ranking officers and the leading men of the city .

  16. 你的威势,和你琴瑟的声音,都下到阴间。你下铺的是虫,上盖的是蛆。

    All your pomp has been brought down to the grave , along with the noise of your harps ; maggots are spread out beneath you and worms cover you .

  17. 王阿,这渐长又坚固的树就是你。你的威势渐长及天,你的权柄管到地极。

    It is thou , O king , that art grown and become strong : for thy greatness is grown , and reacheth unto heaven , and thy dominion to the end of the earth .

  18. 进攻时,应使部队如同暴风骤雨,彻底摧垮敌军,同敌人交战,就应该有猛虎下山一般的威势。

    When the order to attack is given , he is able to make his men " rain " down on the enemy , with attacking posture like a tiger coming down a hill , destroying the enemy completely .