
  • 网络Aube;Orb;Orb Union;Obu-Jet
  1. 位于奥布河上,鄂木斯克东部。

    R.on the Ob River east of Omsk .

  2. 在奥布省就有这样的法律,要求面包店每周至少歇业一天。

    One such law in Aube states that bakeries must close at least one day a week -- a day of rest .

  3. 身陷困境的她带着自幼喜欢武打电影的奥布通去看了一场潮剧演出。

    Having fallen on hard times , she took Obthong , a childhood fan of martial arts movies , to see a Chinese opera performance .

  4. 以目光呆滞的双眼凝视;他长满胡须的脸上有一种空虚呆滞的神情-康纳·克鲁斯·奥布。

    With eyes set in a fixed glassy stare ; his bearded face already has a set hollow look - Connor Cruise O'Brien ; a face rigid with pain .

  5. 奥布省面点联合会在去年年底对126名会员进行了调查:绝大多数人都支持强制性歇业一天的规定。

    The federation of Aube boulangeries and patisseries questioned 126 members at the end of last year : the majority were in favor of maintaining the obligatory one-day closure .