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  • 【地名】【日本】Yoshino
  1. 你的观点是正确的,整场战斗中吉野始终在追击济远而没有跑去攻击广乙。

    You are quite right in pointing out that Yoshino was always chasing the Tsi Yuen .

  2. 与此同时,国家利益观则决定了吉野评价各种国际问题时的基本立足点。

    While the idea of national interests was the essential standpoint when he evaluated various international problems .

  3. 吉野由于对基督教的信仰而确立了对人性的乐观态度,这不但成为其民本主义论的根基,而且是影响和制约其国际政治思想的深层因素。

    His Christian belief played a part in his optimistic outlook toward life , which helped to establish the foundation of his Minponism and his thoughts on international politics .

  4. 并详细论述了吉野林业的借地林业制度、山守制度、组合制度等经营特色和集约经营的育林技术模式。

    Expounds in detail the integrated forest cultivation technical model and the operating characteristics of the forestry institutes of renting land , guarding mountain , and grouping resources in Yosino ;