
  • 网络nara;Nara Period
  1. 佛教于6世纪中叶传入日本,经过飞鸟时代、奈良时代,在当时统治阶级的保护下作为国家宗教发展起来。

    Buddhism was introduced to Japan in the mid-6th century . After the Asuka period and the Nara period , Buddhism was developed under the protection of the ruling class as a national religion .

  2. 在中国唐朝时代扎根的茶文化,在日本的奈良时代至平安时代初期由谴唐使传入了日本,在日本生根,并发展出属于日本形貌的茶道文化。

    The tea culture , rooted in China 's Tang Dynasty , was brought into Japan by Japanese envoys during the Nara and Heian Period and later developed into Sado culture ( tea ceremony ) featuring Japanese characteristics .

  3. 日本的天平文化是在奈良时代经济繁荣,政治稳定的背景下,以唐为师,推行文化奖励政策而形成的。

    The Japanese Tian Biao Culture evolved its style under the economic prosperity , stable policy in Age of Na La , the policy of learning from Tang Dynasty and of the culture encouraging promotion .