
  • 网络Large medical equipment;CT MRI
  1. GHOST在大型医疗设备维修中的应用

    The Application of GHOST in Large Medical Equipment Maintenance

  2. CT机是大医院放射科不可缺少的大型医疗设备,介绍如何做好机器日常维护和保养是极其重要的。

    In this article we introduce the importance of how to service and maintain CT machine that is one of the indispensable large-scale medical equipment to the department of radiology of the large hospital .

  3. 随着CT、MRI、LINAC、SPECT、PET等大型医疗设备的发展和普及,加强对其应用质量的管理显得越来越重要。

    With the development and popularization of modern medical equipment such as CT , MRI , LINAC , SPECT and PET , it is now more and more important to strengthen their administration .

  4. 由于CT、MRI、SPECT、PET等大型医疗设备的质量保证已经系统化、规范化,本节主要研究胶片数字化仪和CR的质量保证。

    Here we just put our eyesight in this chapter on the study on digitizer and CR quality assurance on the grounds that such medical equipment as CT , MRI , SPECT , PET has been systemized and standardized .

  5. 大型医疗设备机房及配套设施建设要点

    Discussion on key points of room construction for large medical equipments

  6. 谈大型医疗设备的维修

    To discuss the servicing of the large - scale medical equipments

  7. 大型医疗设备维修策略优化选择方法

    The Method of Optimum Selects of Large-scale Medical Equipment Maintenance Tactics

  8. 大型医疗设备成本效益分析系统设计与应用

    Design and application of cost accounting system for large medical equipment

  9. 附属医院大型医疗设备管理中的资源共享

    Resource sharing for mangement of large medical devices in affiliated hospitals

  10. 确保大型医疗设备安全的一些措施

    The measures to ensure the safety of large medical equipments

  11. 大型医疗设备安装项目执行及管理

    PROJECT Performance and management of installing a large medical equipment

  12. 河南省大型医疗设备现状分析

    Analysis of equipment present situation about Henan Province large-scale medical

  13. 打造中国自己的世界级大型医疗设备公司!

    To build China 's own world-class medical device company !

  14. 医疗服务价格调整趋势对选购大型医疗设备的指导作用

    Medical service price trend guiding the choice of purchasing large medical equipment

  15. 医院大型医疗设备综合绩效评价

    Study on evaluation of comprehensive benefit of large medical equipment

  16. 大型医疗设备是综合性医院的重要医疗资源。

    Large-scale medical equipment is very important for comprehensive hospitals .

  17. 大型医疗设备档案管理及意义

    Management of archives of large medical equipment and its significance

  18. 大型医疗设备闲置情况调查分析

    An investigative analysis on the idleness of large medical equipments

  19. 河南省乙类大型医疗设备配置规划研究

    The Study of Large Equipments Allocate Plan of He'nan Province

  20. 加强大型医疗设备的购置管理势在必行

    Necessity of Strengthening the Purchase Management of Large-Scale Medical Equipment

  21. 如何使大型医疗设备发挥最大效能之我见

    How to make the best use of large-scale medical equipments

  22. 浅论大型医疗设备购置决策评估体系的构建

    Discussion on the Construction of Large Medical Equipment Purchase & Evaluation System

  23. 山西省大型医疗设备质量控制现状与对策

    The current status and countermeasures Of large medical equipment quality Of Shanxi province

  24. 大型医疗设备机房建造要点

    The main points of building the medical equipment room

  25. 军队大型医疗设备如何走出维修产业化带来的困境

    Reflections on the Dilemma of Large Medical Equipment Caused by Industrialization of Maintenance

  26. 关于大型医疗设备经济效益分析系统的研究

    Research on Cost-benefit Analysis System of Large-scale Medical Instruments

  27. 四川省大型医疗设备的使用和管理

    Utilization and Management of Large Medical Equipments in Sichuan

  28. 基于大型医疗设备的语音指令控制系统的研究

    Research of Voice-controlled Order System for Iatrical Equipment

  29. 基于嵌入式系统的医院大型医疗设备漏费监测系统设计

    Design of Control System of Charge Evasion in Medical Equipment Based on Embedded System

  30. 浅谈大型医疗设备安装与验收工作的组织

    About installation and checking of large medical equipments