
  1. 银行已为开发新的金融产品留出了更大余地。

    Banks had increased scope to develop new financial products .

  2. 在韩国釜山召开的20国集团(g20)财长及央行行长会议,也没有采纳全球银行税提案,这让各国政府有更大余地来实施它们认为最适于本国国情的措施。

    The meeting of the group of 20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Busan , South Korea , at the weekend also dropped proposals for a global banking levy , giving countries leeway to do what they thought best for their domestic circumstances .

  3. 这种方式减少了一些设计上的选择,但是仍然留有很大余地。

    This eliminated some design options , but plenty still remained .

  4. 北京鸭、大余麻鸭和绿头野鸭肉质的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Meat Quality Of Peking Duck

  5. 大余县钨矿镉污染对灌区人群的影响

    Influence of cadmium pollution from the Dayu tungsten mine on human being

  6. 高大车辆在这桥下通过时没有多大余隙

    There be not much clearance for tall vehicle pass under this bridge

  7. 大余县矿区的尾砂流失及治理

    The Loss and Control of Tail Sediment in Mine Area in Dayu County

  8. 对大余县引入民间资本建设生态大余的调查与思考

    Investigation of Introducing Private Capital to Construct Eco-Dayu

  9. 为避免该法令开始生效时,在政治上遭到强烈反对,该州还是留有很大余地。

    To avoid political uproar when the law kicks in , the state has left itself plenty of wriggle room .

  10. 然而,说明不但没有通过如此大余地而调整个税收入的增长,而且也没有涉及到现存税收体系的真实问题。

    Nevertheless , this explanation neither justified the rise in personal income taxes by such a wide margin nor touched on the real problems within the existing taxation system .

  11. 铣削试验的结果表明,用该铣刀铣削大余量箱体零件时,加工效率提高了两倍。

    The results of milling experiments show that the idexable plunge milling cutter can increase the milling efficiency for two times in milling box parts with big cutting allowance .

  12. 同时,汤显祖在大余的一段传奇经历和剧作《牡丹亭》,在大余衍生出了一系列景点名胜。

    At the same time Tang Xianzu 's legendary experience in Dayu and his opera " the Peony Pavilion " produced a series of scenic spots and historical sites .

  13. 异常基本上分为常宁-大余和新宁-始兴两个分带,与该区内隐伏岩体的分布吻合。

    The anomalies can be divided into two zones : Changning-Dayu zone and Xinning-Shixing zone , and their distribution agree well with the location of the concealed intrusive bodies .

  14. 针对这种情况,对大余县供水公司在引水装置方面进行了改造,经过多年运行实践效果良好。

    To this kind of situation , the successful transformation to the channel water device of County Supply Water Company of Dayu is carried out , which proves effective after many years of operation .

  15. 本次会议的目标之一,是将主要排放国的领导人首次聚集在一起,讨论气候变化,给参加联合国谈判的各国环境部长达成协议时留出更大余地。

    One of the aims of the MEF was to bring leaders of the main emitting countries together for the first time to discuss climate change , so that they could allow their environment ministers who attend the UN negotiations greater latitude in making a deal .