
fù zhì tǐ
  • replisome
  1. 选择模板、RNA聚合酶与转录因子结合形成复制体是两种主要的调控方法。

    Selecting template and the binding of transcription factors with RNA pol to form replicon are two major regulatory means .

  2. 他们发现叫作SH3TC2的基因连同其复制体发生了变异,已知这类基因是引发CMT的致病基因,也很有可能与神经传到密切相关。

    They found mutations in both copies of a gene called SH3TC2 that is known to cause CMT disease and is likely involved in nerve transmission .

  3. 这第三个复制体是细胞分裂错误的结果。

    This third copy is a result of a mistake in cell division .

  4. 他们让这些复制体潜入到殖民地中。

    They had these replicated humans infiltrating the colonies .

  5. 而立即产生一个生长完全的成熟复制体。

    And instantly create a full grown adult clone .

  6. 这将是一个完全的詹戈复制体。

    It would be a pure replica of Jango .

  7. 但是,有些人在出生时就带有第21对染色体的一份多余复制体。

    But some people are born with an extra copy of the twenty-first chromosome .

  8. 形成丙型肝炎病毒负链复制体的相关蛋白的分析

    Studies on the Proteins Related to the Replica of Hepatitis C Virus Negative-Strand RNA

  9. 或加入哪个复制体它们会活得更�

    or you add an extra copy of them , that they live longer ,

  10. 我们将要重新为您扫描,这样我们可以重做您的复制体。

    Is we 're gonna have to re-scan you so that we can re-grow your policy .

  11. 复制体足够多后就裂解并离开宿主,感染更多细胞。

    Once enough copies are made , they kill the cell , break free , and infect more .

  12. 此外,细胞周期还控制着复制体相关基因的表达。

    Furthermore , the expression of genes relative to RC assembling is regulated by cell cycle system as well .

  13. 采用结扎左冠状动脉前降支30min,再灌注40min复制在体大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤(IRI)的模型,结扎前10min分别舌下静脉注射倒卵叶五加总皂甙(SAOH)50mg/kg、100mg/kg。

    Myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury ( IRI ) model was induced by left descending anterior coronary artery ( LAD ) ligation for 30 min , followed by 40 min of reperfusion .

  14. 方法:复制在体兔肺缺血再灌注损伤模型。

    Methods : Rabbit lung model of ischemia reperfusion injury was constituted in vivo .

  15. 噬菌体已复制和给体细胞已发生裂解。

    The phage has replicated and the donor cells have lysed .

  16. 基于DNA的Semliki森林病毒复制子载体体内外高水平表达外源基因

    High-level Expression of Foreign Genes In vivo and In vitro by Improved DNA-Based Replicon Vector Derived From Semliki Forest Virus

  17. 蕴震体及地球岩石部分本身就具有自组织、自适应和自相似即自复制类生命体特征,因而具有网络性。

    The preparatory process of earthquake are characterized with self - organizing , adaptation and similarity by their-own , furthermore , it is capable to copy life-similar bodies , therefore , it has the feature of network system .

  18. 重组病毒感染BmN细胞实验表明:ChiA、CP两基因的失活不影响病毒的复制及多角体的形成,且感染细胞的存活时间比BmNPV-GMCSF、BmNPV感染的多2-3天;

    With the recombinant virus infecting BmN cells revealed that CP and ChiA gene were not essential for viral replication and have no significant effect on polyhedron formation , and the infected cells survived 2 ~ 3 days more than those infected with BmNPV and BmNPV-GMCSF .

  19. 盘式磁带高速复制用铁氧体记录磁头的研制

    Development of High Speed Duplicating Head for Disca Magnetic Tape