
  • 网络Talon;R.Thaln;Tarlyn;Taren;Houthalen
  1. 因此,印度孟买(Mumbai)的上层人士云集去年的新娘婚装周(IndiaBridalFashionWeek),专程欣赏塔伦??塔希里安尼(TarunTahiliani)设计的施华洛世奇(Swarovski)水晶镶嵌婚纱裙系列,也就不足为奇了。

    So it 's no surprise that Mumbai 's glitterati were in full attendance at the showing of the Swarovski-studded collection put on by Tarun Tahiliani at last year 's India Bridal Fashion Week .

  2. 黑暗精灵和我们的亡灵对手结盟?很简单,先把他们干掉,然后我们占领塔伦嘉德。

    Dark elves are allied to our undead enemies ? We 'll simply crush them , then take talonguard .

  3. 萨普特和他的人就回塔伦汉姆庄园,然后随同元帅一起带着更多的人去攻打城堡。

    Sapt and his men would go back to Tarlenheim House and return with the Marshal and more men to get into the castle .

  4. 两人中年轻的一位说:“这位是萨普特上尉,我是弗里茨·冯·塔伦汉姆。我们是卢里塔尼亚国王手下的。”

    The younger of the two men said , 'This is Captain Sapt , and I am Fritz von Tarlenheim.We work for the King of Ruritania .

  5. 当弗蕾维亚公主听说国王受了伤,她拒绝呆在塔伦汉姆庄园,而是立刻骑马赶来曾达城堡。

    When Princess Flavia heard that the King was hurt , she refused to stay at Tarlenheim House and rode at once to the Castle of Zenda .

  6. 吃完晚饭,我们回到塔伦汉姆庄园。我们快到的时候,看见萨普特跑出来迎接我们。“你们看见他们了吗?”他问。

    After dinner , we left to go back to Tarlenheim House.We had almost reached it when we saw Sapt running to meet us . 'Have you seen them ? 'he cried .

  7. 有人看过塔伦出演的《王牌特工》这部电影吗,(更不用说他那无与伦比的魅力了),他会为埃里克王子增添一种独特的品(魅)质(力)。

    Anyone who 's seen Kingsman Taron has character to spare ( not to mention an insane amount of charm ) , and he 'd add an extra dimension to Prince Eric .

  8. 第二天萨普特、弗里茨和我离开斯特莱索去塔伦汉姆庄园。这所新式的庄园属于弗里茨的叔叔,离曾达城堡不远。

    The next day Sapt , Fritz , and I left Strelsau to go to Tarlenheim House.This fine modern house belonged to Fritz 's uncle and was near the Castle of Zenda .

  9. 于是,半小时以后我也离开了塔伦汉姆庄园。比起萨普特来我抄了一条近路。到了护城河,我在树林里藏好马,把绳子系在一棵粗壮的树上,然后下到水里。

    So , half an hour later , I , too , left Tarlenheim . I took a shorter way than Sapt and when I reached the moat , I hid my horse in the trees , tied my rope round a strong tree and let myself down into the water .