
  • 网络christian literature
  1. 《新约》包含了早期基督教文学。

    The New Testament consists of early Christian literature .

  2. 中国基督教文学中的圣歌

    Hymns of Chinese Christian Literature

  3. 本文从Martin的评价理论视角,透过评价理论的子系统出发对基督教文学经典《圣经》里的主客体关系进行解读和分析。

    Based on the Appraisal theory of Martin , this thesis illustrates the relationship between subject and object in the Bible , which is the classic of Christianity .

  4. 神-理性-人的三位一体&简论希伯来-基督教文学的人文性

    The Trinity of God-Rationality-Human Beings & the Humanity of Hebrew-literature of Christianity

  5. 希伯来-基督教文学的人本意识新解

    The Humanity of Hebrew - literature of Christianity

  6. 谈古希伯来文学和早期基督教文学的教学定位

    Restore the Bible to Its Original Position & On the Teaching Orientation of Ancient Hebrew Literature and Early Christian Literature

  7. 其次,具体探讨了中国基督教文学的三种书写形态即母爱文学、游记文学和大地文学。

    Secondly , the thesis discusses three types of Chinese Christian literature Maternal Love Literature , Tourist Literature , and Earth Literature .

  8. 主后二世纪是大量未被列入圣经的,基督教文学在不同地方涌现的时期。

    The second century was a time of a lot of Christian literature arising in different places that didn 't make it into the Bible .

  9. 且随着时代的发展,教会内外对基督教文学的需求越来越尖锐。

    The impressing need for Christian literature both inside and outside the Chinese church is far from being met , but intensifies dramatically with time passing by .

  10. 在第二章中,笔者主要从旧文学的批评、新文学的倡导、基督教文学的建设这三个方面来论述传教士改变中国文学的意图和影响。

    In the second chapter , I focus on three topics : the criticism to traditional Chinese literature , the advocation of new literature , and the construction of Christian literature .

  11. 目前对于施玮灵性写作的研究尚处于初级阶段,可见的研究文章或者对其某部作品进行解读,或者将其纳入中国基督教文学中进行研究。

    Shi Wei now for " spiritual writing " research is still in its infancy , research shows that their unit works articles or interpretation , or to include a study of Chinese Christian Literature .

  12. 高等学校的外国文学教学应该在古希腊罗马文学与中世纪文学之间增加“古希伯来文学与早期基督教文学”一章。

    In the teaching of foreign literature in China 's institutions of higher learning , " ancient Hebrew literature and early Christian literature " should be inserted in between ancient Greek and Roman literature and the Middle Ages literature .

  13. 希望你们已按大纲要求在课前阅读,这部文献不太容易理解,如果这是你第一次碰到,这种非正经式的早期基督教文学作品。

    I hope you read it before class as the syllabus instructed you to It 's not an easy document to get into if it 's the first time you 've come across this kind of non-canonical early Christian literature .

  14. 作为中国文学言说方式和精神世界的一种补充,新时期以来的中国基督教文学试图构建一个充满着丰富而强劲的个体生命形态以及神性和诗性可以互释的精神空间。

    As the complement to lingual pattern and spiritual world , Chinese Christian literature in the New Period is managing to construct an individualized living form in rich and strong style , as well as a spiritual space in which Deity and Poetry can reach reciprocal interpretation .

  15. 十:基督教与西方文学的结构基因

    Cross Symbol : the Structural Element of Christianity and the Western Literature

  16. 基督教与西方文学存在着难以斩断的血缘关系,这种关系不是只建立在彼此间的外部联系上,而是植根于它们内在的生命符号十字的结构基因中。

    There is close relationship between Christianity and Western literature .

  17. 基督教与西方文学典型

    Christianity and the Trends in Western Literature

  18. 基督教文化对文学的影响与基督教的诞生是同步的。

    The Christian culture ? S influence on the literature synchronizes with the birth of the christianity .

  19. 基督教文化与中国文学的价值建构

    Christian culture and the establishment of value of Chinese literature

  20. 论基督教观念在西方文学中的嬗变

    On the Change of Christian Notion in the Western Literature

  21. 贞德是欧洲基督教中重要的文学典型,很多作家以她的生平史迹进行文学创作。

    Jeanne d'Arc is an important literature image in European Christianity . Many writers wrote about her life story .

  22. 新时期文学三十年,基督教文化作为中国文学言说方式与精神世界的一种补充形式,越来越多的走进作家们的叙述视野。

    Three decades of literature in the new period , the Christian culture of Chinese literature with the statement that a supplement to the form of the spiritual world , more and more writers into the narrative perspective .

  23. 而受到基督教精神浸润的文学作品则更为强调要践行基督教的爱上帝和爱人如己的诫命,如此,才能与基督同死同活,在挚爱中得到救赎。

    The works that are influenced by Christian spirit insist that only human being carry out the imperative of loving the God and loving your neighbor as yourself , can human being die and rise with Christ and be saved in God 's love .

  24. 实际上我将会讲到,约翰基督教的三到四个发展阶段,它是早期基督教文学的一个分支。

    In fact , what I 'm going to be talking about is three or four stages in the development of Johannine Christianity as one branch of early Christian literature .