
  • 网络basic farmland protection
  1. 下列耕地应当根据土地利用总体规划划入基本农田保护区,严格管理:

    The following cultivated land shall be demarcated as basic farmland protection areas and subject to stringent control according to the general plans for the utilization of land :

  2. 3S技术在基本农田保护监测中的应用

    Application of 3S Technology in Monitoring of Basic Farmland Protection

  3. 第三十四条国家实行基本农田保护制度。

    Article 34 The State fosters the system of protecting the basic farmland .

  4. GIS技术在平武县基本农田保护规划中的应用

    Geographic Information System Apply in Protection Planning of Basic Farmland

  5. 在此基础上,以MAPGIS为二次开发平台,编制了基本农田保护区布局优化决策系统。

    And a decision-making system of optimal allocation for prime farmland protection area was integrated by applying the second-developed technology of MAPGIS .

  6. 中国基本农田保护的回顾与展望

    A review and preview of prime farmland protection in P.R. China

  7. CPPIS县级基本农田保护规划信息系统的开发研制

    Study on the development of cultivated land protection planning information system

  8. 农用地分等成果在基本农田保护中的应用

    Results of agricultural land classification in the protection of basic farmland

  9. 我国基本农田保护制度运行效果分析

    An Analysis of Operation Effect of Primary Cultivated Land Protection System

  10. 基本农田保护区域的环境污染及防治对策

    Environmental Pollution and Control Countermeasures of the Basic Farmland Conservation Area

  11. 丘陵山区县基本农田保护研究

    Studies on the basic farmland protection in hilly and mountainous counties

  12. 浅谈基本农田保护及其动态管理

    A Discussion on the Protection and Dynamic Management of Basic Farmland

  13. 基本农田保护与采矿塌陷控制

    Conservation of Prime Farmland and Control of Collapse by Mining Activities

  14. 乡级基本农田保护规划辅助决策系统

    Decision support system of prime farmland protection planning at country level

  15. 基本农田保护区内采矿废弃地的生态重建

    Ecological reconstruction of derelict mined-land in conservation areas of prime farmland

  16. 福建省基本农田保护的若干问题

    Some problems of the basic farmland protection in Fujian Province

  17. 用农业生态平衡观点论基本农田保护工作

    On the Protection of Basic Farmland from the Viewpoint of Agroecological Balance

  18. 城市区域基本农田保护的思考与定位

    Considerations and Orientation of the Protection of Basic Farmland in the City

  19. 基本农田保护区划定的计算机辅助系统设计

    Design of the computer - assisted system for prime farmland protection planning

  20. 婺源县耕地保护与基本农田保护研究

    Study on Protection of Cultivated Land and Basic Farmland in Wuyuan County

  21. 加强基本农田保护,提高耕地质量;

    Stressing protection of basic farming land and improving quality of arable land ;

  22. 耕地与基本农田保护态势与对策

    Situation and counter measures for protection of arable land and basic farm lands

  23. 佛山市基本农田保护现状与策略研究

    A study of basic farmland preservation and protection strategy

  24. 最后提出对耕地和基本农田保护策略和措施。

    Finally , on cultivated land and basic farmland protection strategies and measures .

  25. 南部县基本农田保护规划

    The basic farmland protection plan in Nanbu County

  26. 阜阳市颍东区耕地和基本农田保护研究

    Study on the Protection of Cultivated Land and Basic Farmland in Ying Dong District

  27. 湖南省芷江县耕地和基本农田保护研究

    Study on Cultivated Land and Basic Farmland Protection in Zhijiang County , Hunan Province

  28. 基本农田保护是指质量和数量的双重保护。

    The prime farmland protecting work is double protections of both quality and quantity .

  29. 基本农田保护区耕地换算系数测算方法与应用

    Cultivated Land Conversion Coefficient Surveying Method in the Protected Basic Farmland Area and Its Application

  30. 在此基础上提出了泰安市耕地和基本农田保护的对策和措施。

    Accordingly , countermeasures and strategies on cultivated land and basic farmland protection were proposed .