
  • 网络Kilo
  1. 在1990年后期,中国开始订购俄国基洛级潜艇,当时一种可得的最新潜艇。

    In the late1990s , the Chinese began ordering Russian Kilo class subs , then one of the latest diesel-electric design available .

  2. 越南也在从俄罗斯收购六艘基洛级潜艇;与此同时,菲律宾一直在敦促美国做出防务方面的承诺,一旦与中国发生领土冲突时可以获得帮助。

    Vietnam is also in the process of acquiring six Kilo-class submarines from Russia while the Philippines has been pressing the U.S. for defense pledges in the event of a territorial conflict with China .

  3. 越南最近宣布,将从俄罗斯购买6艘基洛级潜艇和12架喷气式战斗机。缅甸也一直在购买俄罗斯战机。泰国也已拨款购买新战斗机,以重新装备其空军。

    Vietnam recently announced that it would buy six Kilo-class submarines and 12 fighter jets from Russia , Burma has been shopping for Russian combat aircraft and Thailand has allocated money to re-equip its air force with new fighters .

  4. 印度海军立即下令对辛杜拉克沙克号(INSSindhurakshak)的灾难进行调查,该潜艇从俄罗斯购买,是一艘柴油推进的基洛级(Kilo)潜艇。

    The navy immediately ordered an inquiry into the disaster on the INS Sindhurakshak , one of a fleet of diesel-powered Kilo-class submarines bought from Russia .