
  • 网络education for international understanding;international understanding education
  1. 国际理解教育(EducationforInternationalUnderstanding)作为一个富有根基的教育理念由来已久。

    Education for International Understanding has a long history as a basic concept .

  2. 国际理解教育发展的研究

    Research on the Development of Education for International Understanding

  3. 困境与出路&全球化教育和国际理解教育

    Predicament and Outlet : Global Education and International Understanding Education

  4. 日常授课中国际理解教育的理念和方法

    Concept and Ways of the Education of International Understanding in Daily Teaching

  5. 小学国际理解教育校本课程的开发

    The Development of the School-based Curriculum of International Understanding Education in Primary Schools

  6. 国际理解教育是90年代以来的日本教育国际化的主要特征。

    It has been a major trend in Japanese educational internationalization since 1990s .

  7. 大学英语教学改革中国际理解教育目标的实现

    Realization of International Understanding Educational object in Reform of College English Teaching Reform

  8. 国际理解教育课程的构建

    On the Construction of the Curriculum of International Understanding

  9. 东亚国际理解教育的价值冲突探析

    Exploring the Value Conflicts in the Education for International Understanding in East Asia

  10. 论大学英语的国际理解教育

    On the Education for International Understanding in English Teaching

  11. 以合作学习为途径在英语教学中实施国际理解教育的行动研究

    Action Research on the Implementation of Education for International Understanding in English Instruction

  12. 包括日本基于国际理解教育的外语教学改革,以国际理解教育为背景的母语教育,还有渗透和体现国际理解教育理念的地理、历史教学。

    Above are substantially based on , embody or infiltrate international understanding education .

  13. 国际理解教育研究

    An Initial Study of Education for International Understanding

  14. 重视国际理解教育;

    Pay attention to world 's understanding education .

  15. 这已成为举世瞩目的焦点,这就需要国际理解教育来实现。

    These have become the focus of worldwide .

  16. 论普世伦理视阈下国际理解教育的建构

    On The Universal ethic , As the Threshold Under Education For International Understanding Building

  17. 国际理解教育的障碍

    The Barrier to Education for International Understanding

  18. 但是,通过什么途径能更有效的实施国际理解教育呢?对此,我们仍然处在摸索阶段。

    How to implement the education for international understanding ? We are still seeking for this .

  19. 对青少年进行国际理解教育是日本国内多元文化共存的需要。

    International understanding education of youngsters is essentially needed for coexistence between people in different cultural backgrounds .

  20. 全球化背景下美国国际理解教育改革策略的新发展

    The New Development of Reform Strategy of American Education for International Understanding against the Background of Globalization

  21. 国际理解教育:现代思想政治教育发展的新领域

    The Education with International Understanding : a New Filed in the Development of Modern Ideological and Political Education

  22. 前言部分介绍了当代日本的国际理解教育的研究背景与现状,论述了本选题的目的、理论意义及现实价值,并且指出当前我国教育界对该课题研究的一些不足。

    The introduction part deals with the background and present state of research on contemporary Japanese international understanding education .

  23. 第四部分呈现我们同一个家国际理解教育主题单元的设计方案。

    The four part is to present the program of international understanding theme unit of we have a family .

  24. 国际理解教育是当前世界教育研究领域中比较受到关注的话题之一。

    Education for International Understanding is currently one of the hottest topics in the worldwide field of education research .

  25. 有效的国际理解教育,实际是在尝试培养一种有效的跨文化交际意识与能力,也使得对于跨文化交际学的关注显得更为重要。

    Effective international understanding education ( IUE ) is applied to cultivate a kind of valid intercultural communicative sense and skills .

  26. 论文最后一部分呼唤为了一个共存共生、和谐美好的世界,中学历史教学中应切实推进国际理解教育的纵深开展。

    Chapter 5 appeals to advocate and conduct education for international understanding in Middle school history teaching for a harmonious world .

  27. 国际理解教育的培养目标可以划分成知识目标、态度目标与能力目标三个层次。

    We can divide the aim of Education for International Understanding in three categories which are knowledge aim , attitude aim and ability aim .

  28. 就“综合学习”的必要性,日本中央教育审议会在第15次会议的报告中指出:“综合学习”是实施国际理解教育、信息教育和环境教育等的需要。

    The necessity of " Comprehensive Studies " is what is pointed out in the report of the15th session of the Japanese Central Educational Discussion .

  29. 国际理解教育理念自联合国教科文组织于1946年提出以来,在全世界得到广泛传播和发展。

    UNESCO advocated the idea of Education for International Understanding in 1946.From then on , the core of the idea has been enriched and developed worldwide .

  30. 国际理解教育是指世界各国在国际社会组织的倡导下,以国际理解为理念而开展的教育活动。

    Education for International Understanding is a process of the global educational activities , based on the concept of " International Understanding " and led by UNESCO .