
  • The National Stadium;National Indoor Stadium
  1. 国家体育馆钢屋盖工程设计、施工、科研一体化实践

    Design Construction Research Mode Application of the National Indoor Stadium

  2. 监测结果表明国家体育馆健康监测系统技术先进,稳定可靠。

    It presents the monitoring system of National Indoor Stadium is advanced and reliable .

  3. 巴勒斯坦被联合国承认为非会员观察员国,1998成为FIFA成员。该国目前在拉姆安拉附近建有一座国家体育馆,而且已经四次尝试入围世界杯决赛圈。

    Palestine recognized as a nonmember observer state by the United Nations and a member of FIFA since 1998 now has a national stadium near Ramallah and has attempted to qualify for four World Cup finals .

  4. 国家体育馆钢屋盖为双向张弦桁架结构,桁架跨度114m×144.5m。

    The National Stadium roof is a two-way chord-tension truss structure , which 's span is 114 meters × 144.5 meters .

  5. 巴勒斯坦被联合国承认为“非会员观察员国”,1998成为FIFA成员。该国目前在拉姆安拉附近建有一座国家体育馆,而且已经四次尝试入围世界杯决赛圈。

    Palestine - recognized as a " nonmember observer state " by the United Nations and a member of FIFA since 1998 - now has a national stadium near Ramallah and has attempted to qualify for four World Cup finals .

  6. 国家体育馆屋盖滑移支撑转换变形分析

    Analysis on Transfer Deformation in Changing Supports of National Stadium Roof Slipping

  7. 大跨度预应力钢结构在国家体育馆工程中的应用

    Application of large-span prestressed steel structure in National Gymnasium Project

  8. 国家体育馆双向张弦结构预应力施工模型试验研究

    Experimental research on Prestressing Construction Technology of National Gymnasium

  9. 中国国家体育馆的名称是什么?

    What 's the name of the National stadium ?

  10. 可以容纳六万人的国家体育馆里人潮涌动,欢歌庆祝。

    The 60-thousand seat National Sports Stadium has people cheering , singing and dancing .

  11. 国家体育馆屋盖结构为双向张弦网格结构体系。

    The steel roof structure system of National Indoor Stadium is bidirectional truss string structure .

  12. 国家体育馆型钢混凝土框架-钢支撑抗震体系设计与研究

    Design and Research on the Shape Steel Concrete and Steel Brace System of National Gymnasium

  13. 国家体育馆地下防水施工技术

    Under ground waterproofing technique of National Gymnasium

  14. 从昨天中午到今天中午,国家体育馆已经成了欢乐的海洋。

    From yesterday noon to this afternoon , the national stadium had already become the happy sea .

  15. 激光雷达国家体育馆屋顶钢结构安装滑移质量监测

    Application of LIDAR technology in the slippage and installation quality monitoring of the national indoor stadium roof truss

  16. 2007年赴马来西亚国家体育馆演出“神骏”专场音乐会。

    In2007 , SOC went to Malaysia to perform . " Super Courser " Special Concert in the national stadium .

  17. 国家体育馆屋盖为大跨度平面桁架结构,纵向由14榀平面桁架构成。

    Largespan plane truss structure was used in National Stadium roof , which was composed of14 plane trusses at longitudinal direction .

  18. 冰球测试在国家体育馆进行,参赛运动员全部来自北京各高校。

    The ice hockey testing took place at the National Indoor Stadium with all participating athletes coming from universities in Beijing .

  19. 介绍了国家体育馆撑杆上、下端及拉索端部节点的设计过程;

    The design process of the post end joints and the cast steel joints at the end of the cable is introduced .

  20. 国家体育馆钢屋架施工过程中支撑体系的受力分析与安全监控

    Mechanics Analysis and Safety Control of the Strutting System in the Process of the Construction of Steel Roof Truss in National Gymnasium Project

  21. 同开幕式一样,北京国家体育馆里烟花和壮丽的气氛弥漫,结束了为期16天的奥运会。

    Just as the Games had begun , fireworks and pageantry filled Beijing 's National Stadium at the end of 16 days of competition .

  22. 但是这一武装冲突事件强迫官方取消了国家体育馆外的一场仪式,仪式本打算陈设展览本届世界杯奖杯。

    But the violence forced officials to call off a ceremony just outside Brasilia 's stadium where the World Cup trophy was to be exhibited .

  23. 周一,国家体育馆,中国选手陈一冰战胜同胞杨威,获得男子吊环比赛的冠军。

    Chen Yibing of China beat compatriot Yang Wei to take gold in the men 's rings gymnastics event Monday at the National indoor stadium .

  24. 除此之外,布朗还将出席中英工商峰会,并参观国家体育馆(即鸟巢)和其他奥运场馆。

    Besides , Brown will attend a Sino-British business summit , and visit the National Stadium , or the Bird 's Nest , and other Olympic venues .

  25. 国家体育馆将承担2008奥运会比赛项目,对工程的防水要求很高,地下工程防水设计等级Ⅰ级。

    Olympic Games will be held in 2008 in National Gymnasium , waterproofing quality of which is highly required and Grade I waterproofing specified for underground works .

  26. 详细介绍了国家体育馆工程超高清水型钢混凝土柱木制大模板施工技术的应用。

    In this article , authors introduce the application of the construction technology of big wood formwork in the National Stadium super high as-cast-finish steel reinforced concrete columns .

  27. 烟火从远处点燃穿越中国的首都,而成千上万的鼓手,杂技演员,威武的艺术家和舞者在灯光的照耀下在国家体育馆进行了表演。

    Fireworks shot off across the Chinese capital as thousands of drummers , acrobats , martial artists and dancers performed under a light display at the National Stadium .

  28. 东京昨日试图将其丑闻缠身的2020年奥运会筹备工作拉回正轨,它最终选定了一位日本建筑师的新国家体育馆设计方案。

    Tokyo attempted to put its scandal-hit preparations for the 2020 Olympics back on track yesterday when it finally settled on a Japanese design for the new national stadium .

  29. 许多彩民手握彩票来到国家体育馆,因为当地电视台和广播说他们在那里可以及时查询到中奖号码。

    Scores of punters turned up at the National Stadium clutching their tickets after local television and radio said they should be there on time to find out the winning numbers .

  30. 国家体育馆:可容纳1.8万人,是体操比赛、手球和排球决赛的场地,可设计为多功能公共场所。

    National Indoor Stadium : with a seating capacity of 18,000 people , it will be the venue for Gymnastics , handball , and volleyball finals . It will be a multi-functional structure .