
  1. 基于宏观经济系统仿真实例,根据LMI的可行解,给出满足特定经济指标的最优国家预算内投资策略值。

    Based on the macroeconomic system simulation example , according to the feasible solution of LMI , give the specific value of the optimal state budget investment strategy which meet specific economic indicators .

  2. 调控国家预算内投资和国内信贷对经济增长的直接影响是不显著的,但它具有明显的引导作用。

    The effect of change in the budgeted investment and domestic credit on economic growth is insignificant , but it serves as a leading indicator .

  3. 国家预算内投资的急剧下降也同样会使得地方政府投资迅速下降,最终导致全社会投资下降。

    Along with the growth of state investment , the investment from local government will also increase quickly , and contribute to the growths of social investment .

  4. 新增国家预算内投资重点用于农业、水利、城乡基础设施、生态环境、科技、教育和国防等建设。

    Newly increased budgetary investments should be mainly used for the development of agriculture , water conservancy , urban and rural infrastructure , the ecological environment , science and technology , education and national defense .