
  1. 由此可以看出,现代维吾尔语是从古代突厥语和回鹘语直接发展而来的。

    Therefore , it is concluded that the modern Uyghur language is directly developed from the Old Turkic and the ancient Uyghur language .

  2. 还可以看出,从晚期回鹘语时期开始,维吾尔语原有的构词词缀的数量开始减少。同时,外来构词词缀的数量开始增多。

    It is also seen that , the number of original Uyghur nominal suffixes began to decrease from the period of the late ancient Uyghur language ; while the number of loan suffixes started to increase from the period of the late ancient Uyghur language .