
  • 网络Trademark Information;trade mark information
  1. 论商标信息的内涵与价值

    On the Intensions and Values of Brand Information

  2. 本文从中国商标信息中心网入手,探讨了该行业门户网站的营销现状。

    This paper analyzes an industry door web named China trademark information center web , discuses its current marketing strategy and the shortcomings of its strategy .

  3. 由于有些新品种的产品是从美国进口的,我需要查找这类产品的商标信息。

    There are some new kinds of products that imported from the United States . I need to search for the trademarks of these new products .

  4. 论我国商标数据库信息资源建设

    On Information Resources Construction for China 's Trademark Databases

  5. 商标数据库信息检索技术研究

    Information Retrieval Technology Research on Trade Mark Database

  6. 有关专利、版权和商标的信息。

    Information concerning patents , copyrights and trademarks .

  7. 根据国家工商行政管理总局商标局信息,在这些申请人中,北京的一家提供减肥服务的公司甚至递交了10份不同申请,范围从化妆品到营养补剂,希望将“伊万卡”的名字用作其产品的商标。

    One Beijing-based weight-loss company even filed 10 different requests to use ' Ivanka ' on nutritional supplements and cosmetics , according to the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry And Commerce .

  8. 如果译者不能巧妙地处理这些问题,目标市场的消费者会很容易误解商标传达的信息。

    If translators cannot deal with these difficulties well , the consumers in the target market will easily misunderstand the connotative meanings of the brand names .

  9. 为了充分利用商标图象的内部信息,以提高商标图象的检索精度,提出了一种综合利用商标形状特征与其内部空间位置关系特征来检索二值商标图象的方法。

    This paper presents a trade mark retrieval method in which the shape feature and spatial relationship are both used for the purpose of making full use of image info and improving retrieval precision .

  10. 本文着重从模糊理论的角度来论述商标翻译中模糊信息的主要客观存在因素、表现形式及其处理技巧。

    In this article , the author has discussed from the angle of the fuzzy theory the main objective factors of fuzzy message , its forms of expression , and specific translating techniques in trademark translation .

  11. 商标译语中的信息接受者对商标译文信息的反应应该与商标源语接受者对商标原文的反应程度基本相同。

    The receptors of the brand names in the receptors language should respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors of the brand names in the source language .

  12. 论文分析了商标档案的种类,探讨了商标档案信息资源的价值,重点阐述了商标信息资源的现代化管理及开发利用方式。

    This paper analyzes the kinds of trademark archives , discusses the values of trademark archival information resources , and sets forth the modernized management and developing and utilizing methods of the trademark archival information resources .

  13. 文章最后对企业商标管理工作提出建议,目的是促进企业商标信息管理工作的更好开展。

    At last , it issues advises to the management of enterprise trademark .