
  • 网络HAMILTON;hamiltonian
  1. 令G(V,E)是简单图,Ore研究了不相邻两点情况的哈密尔顿连通图。

    Let G ( V , E ) be simple graph , Ore studied Hamilton connected graphs with any nonadjacent two vertices .

  2. 设G是一个简单图,一个经过G的全部顶点的回路称为G的哈密尔顿回路。

    Let G be a simple graph . A circuit of G , through all vertices of G , is called Hamilton circuit .

  3. 讨论了n自由度自然哈密尔顿系统能量面的基本群。

    The fundamental group of compact isoenergy manifolds of natural n degree of freedom Hamiltonian systems is discussed .

  4. 几类Z3等变近哈密尔顿多项式系统的极限环的个数

    Limit Cycles of Some Z_3-Equivariant Near-Hamiltonian Polynomial Systems

  5. 他认为原子核作为玻色子的系统时的有效哈密尔顿量是同位旋SU(2)不变的。

    They advocated that the effective Hamiltonian is isospin SU ( 2 ) invariant .

  6. Hamilton(哈密尔顿)问题包括最小Hamilton圈,以及单向Hamilton最优通路两个基本问题,后者属于排序问题。

    Hamilton problem comprises minimum Hamilton cycle and one way Hamilton best path as two basic parts .

  7. 1994年,Adleman在著名杂志Science上发表第一篇关于DNA计算的文章,他用DNA在试管中解决了著名的哈密尔顿路径问题。

    In 1994 , Adleman described his pioneering research on DNA computing in Science , where he computed an instance of the Hamiltonian path problem with DNA in test tubes .

  8. Reisner板的哈密尔顿体系及其辛正交解析法

    The Hamilton system and analytical symplectic solution for Reissner plates

  9. Y3V3-free图的哈密尔顿问题

    The Hamiltonian Problems of Y_3V_3-Free Graphs

  10. 在疫苗研制工作方面,他的主要合作伙伴是蒙大拿州哈密尔顿落基山实验室(RockyMountainLaboratories)的首席病毒专家海因茨·费尔德曼(HeinzFeldmann)。落基山实验室隶属于美国国家过敏及传染性疾病研究所(NationalInstituteofAllergyandInfectiousDiseases)。

    For the vaccine work , his main collaborator has been Dr. Heinz Feldmann , the chief of virology at the Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton , Mont . , part of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases .

  11. 哈密尔顿&凯莱(Hamilton-Cayley)定理的证明及研究

    The Identification and Proving of Hamilton-Cayley Theorem

  12. 1994年,Adleman首次用一维线性DNA自组装解决了一个数学上的组合问题(哈密尔顿路径问题),证明了DNA分子潜在的计算能力,并由此开创了DNA计算(又称分子计算)领域。

    In 1994 , Adleman first solved a mathematic combination problem ( Hamiltonian path problem ) by 1-D linear DNA self-assembly , which demonstrated the latent of DNA molecule for computation , and thus opened the new research field of DNA computing ( also called molecular computing ) .

  13. 例如,加拿大安大略省哈密尔顿的麦克马斯特大学(McMasterUniversity)及其他机构的科学家的研究显示,即便只进行几分钟濒临体能极限的高强度训练,使肌肉的分子发生变化,就堪比跑步或骑车几个小时。

    Work by scientists at McMaster University in Hamilton , Ontario , and other institutions shows , for instance , that even a few minutes of training at an intensity approaching your maximum capacity produces molecular changes within muscles comparable to those of several hours of running or bike riding 。

  14. 加拿大官员称,那名受伤的警卫在医院不治身亡,持枪歹徒则在议会大厦内部被击毙。身亡士兵确认为24岁的下士内森·西里洛(NathanCirillo),是来自安大略省哈密尔顿的预备役军人。

    Canadian officials said the wounded soldier , identified as Cpl. Nathan Cirillo , 24 , a reservist from Hamilton , Ontario , died at a hospital and that the gunman was killed inside the Parliament building .

  15. 他们家住安大略省哈密尔顿市,他的妻子KalingWald将他搁置在床上并把密封以防尸体腐烂的味道干扰到家人忙碌的生活。他们的6个孩子有5个还住在家里,家中还住着其他成人。

    His wife Kaling Wald left him in bed and sealed up the bedroom in their Hamilton , Ontario , home to prevent the odor of decomposition from disturbing the busy household , which included five of the couple 's six children , as well as other adults living in the home .

  16. k-连通无爪图中存在哈密尔顿圈的一个隐度条件

    An implicit degree condition for Hamiltonian cycles in k-connected claw-free graphs

  17. 关于无爪图的哈密尔顿问题,目前已有很多出色的且较为成熟的结果。

    Nowadays there are dozens of good results on claw-free graphs .

  18. 对偶体系弱形式哈密尔顿方程的建立

    Establishment of Weak Formulation for the Dual System of Hamilton Equations

  19. 哈密尔顿图的一个充分条件的新注记

    A New Note on a Sufficient Condition for Hamiltonian Graphs

  20. 基于哈密尔顿体系的条形域弹性问题的一类新的半解析法

    A New Semi-analytical Method of Hamiltonian System in Strip Domain

  21. 哈密尔顿图的必要条件与图的吸收变换

    Necessary Conditions of Hamilton Graph and Absorbing Transformation of Graph

  22. 解哈密尔顿方程的离散算法就是辛算法。

    The discrete algorithm to solving Hamiltonian is just called sylleptic algorithm .

  23. 有向图中求全部有向哈密尔顿回路的一个新算法

    A New Algorithm for Finding All Directed Hamiltonian Circuits in A Digraph

  24. 材料的基础性质和多体合金哈密尔顿实时模拟数据库

    Basic Property of Material and Hamilton Real-time Simulation Data Bank of Multi-alloy

  25. 哈密尔顿先生和他本人之间的意见冲突令人不快。

    The opposition of views between Mr. Hamilton and himself was unpleasant .

  26. 基于哈密尔顿体系的裂纹尖端应力奇性分析及计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Stress Singularity at Crack Tip of Hamiltonian System

  27. 哈密尔顿系统是最重要的动力系统。

    Hamiltonian system is the most important dynamic system .

  28. 二维线性哈密尔顿系统的有限元法及辛格式

    Continuous Finite Element Methods for Two dimensions Linear Hamilton System and Symplectic Scheme

  29. 我们真的确信哈密尔顿学院和哈佛一样好吗?

    Can we really be sure Hamilton is nearly as good as Harvard ?

  30. 进一步构建哈密尔顿函数并求解函数值。

    Meanwhile construction of Hamiltonian and get the solution of the function values .