
  1. 很难这样说:由于俄罗斯是联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)常任理事国,联合国在乌克兰问题上陷入瘫痪。

    Hardly : with Russia a permanent member of the UN Security Council , that institution has been gridlocked over Ukraine .

  2. 严格来讲,G20并不是一个用来在乌克兰问题上与俄罗斯恢复友好关系,或者对多国在南海水域存在冲突的主张做出裁定的论坛。

    Strictly speaking , the G-20 is not a forum to achieve rapprochement with Russia over Ukraine or adjudicate conflicting claims to waters in the South China Sea .

  3. 他表示现在形成对抗ISIS的整体策略至关重要,但北约峰会的主要议程则重点关注乌克兰问题。

    Something he says is critical to forming his overall ISIS strategy , but the major subject on NATO 's agenda will be Ukraine .

  4. 克里表示,现在是纠正乌克兰问题的时候了。

    Kerry says it 's time to set the record straight about Ukraine .

  5. 他敦促莫斯科在乌克兰问题上做出小心谨慎的判断。

    He urged Moscow to be very careful in the judgments that it makes over Ukraine .

  6. 法国外交部长洛朗·法比尤斯表示国际捐助者会议将就乌克兰问题展开讨论。

    France 's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said an international donors ' conference is being discussed .

  7. 但俄罗斯在乌克兰问题上的好战性将促使世界其他地区加快升级能源生产设施。

    But Russia 's belligerence in Ukraine will inspire an acceleration in the upgrade of production infrastructure elsewhere .

  8. 今天,美国和俄罗斯的高层外交官就乌克兰问题举行了长达一天的马拉松式协商。

    The top diplomats from the US and Russia held a long marathon day of negotiations of Ukraine today .

  9. 我们也注意到,您一直在和一些国家的外长通电话讨论乌克兰问题。

    We know that you 've been on the phone with the foreign ministers of some countries discussing this issue .

  10. 在乌克兰问题上一直保持着客观、公正的立场,我们尊重乌克兰的独立、主权和领土完整。

    On the issue of Ukraine , China has adopted an objective and just position . We respect Ukraines independence , sovereignty and territorial integrity .

  11. 中方正在继续与有关各方进行沟通,我们愿意为乌克兰问题的政治解决发挥建设性的作用。

    China is in communication with various parties , and we will play a constructive role in bringing about a political settlement of the Ukrainian issue .

  12. 俄罗斯外交部一名发言人就北约因乌克兰问题宣布取消与俄罗斯的会晤和合作做出了评论。

    A foreign ministry spokesman has commented on word that NATO is canceling meetings and cooperation with Russia , because of what 's happening in Ukraine .

  13. 北约部队相对较远,而且官员已经明确表示他们不希望就乌克兰问题与俄罗斯开战。

    NATO forces are relatively far away like this and officials have made clear they do not want to go to war with Russia over Ukraine .

  14. 俄罗斯正在寻求中国人的投资,以开发其偏远的西伯利亚地区的资源,并在俄与西方就乌克兰问题展开激烈交锋之际获得中方的支持。

    Russia is seeking Chinese investment to develop its resources in its remote Siberian territory , and sustain it during a bruising battle with the west over Ukraine .

  15. 美国已排除了就乌克兰问题采取军事行动的可能性,这让这场危机在美国显得不那么紧迫,然而正是这一事实不经意间加大了风险。

    The very fact that America has ruled out military action over Ukraine – which makes the crisis seem less urgent in Washington – has inadvertently raised the stakes .

  16. 她表示,纽兰在谈话中使用粗俗词语来表达对欧盟处理乌克兰问题的不满,她必须要为这种行为向欧盟道歉。

    She says Nuland had to apologize to the European Union for a part of conversation when Nuland used coarse word to express frustration with the EU 's approach to Ukraine .

  17. 在乌克兰问题上,西方与俄方对峙了数月,这是迄今最严厉的制裁,使俄罗斯与西方的关系降至冷战以来的最低水平。

    The sanctions were the toughest yet in the months-long stand-off with Russia over Ukraine , and plunged relations between Moscow and the west to their lowest levels since the cold war .

  18. 拉夫罗夫畅谈了俄罗斯青睐的乌克兰问题解决办法。这种解决办法将采取某种形式的联邦制,可能是为了防止乌克兰成为与西方关系密切的单一制国家。

    Mr. Lavrov talked up Russia 's favored approach to Ukraine , which envisions some form of federation as a hedge against Ukraine emerging as a unitary state with strong ties to the West .

  19. 莫斯科&最近,俄罗斯和美国因乌克兰问题降至冰点的外交关系出现了解冻迹象,它对乌克兰几乎没有影响,但却可以在另一个地方感觉得到,那就是北极附近的北冰洋。

    MOSCOW   The recent diplomatic thaw between Russia and the United States over the crisis in Ukraine has had little impact there , but it is being felt somewhere else in the Arctic Ocean , near the North Pole .

  20. 无管制捕捞可能会影响俄罗斯、美国和其他几个北极沿岸国家的沿海鱼类。无论它们在乌克兰问题上有何分歧,在防止北极高纬度地区的无管制捕捞上,它们有着共同的利益,环保人士说。

    Whatever their disagreements over Ukraine , Russia , the United States and the other shoreline states have a shared interest in protecting the high Arctic from unregulated fishing that could affect these countries " coastal stocks , conservationists say .

  21. 莫斯科——最近,俄罗斯和美国因乌克兰问题降至冰点的外交关系出现了解冻迹象,它对乌克兰几乎没有影响,但却可以在另一个地方感觉得到,那就是北极附近的北冰洋。

    MOSCOW - The recent diplomatic thaw between Russia and the United States over the crisis in Ukraine has had little impact there , but it is being felt somewhere else - in the Arctic Ocean , near the North Pole .

  22. 麦当劳(McDonald's)成为俄罗斯因乌克兰问题与西方尖锐对峙中最大的牺牲品之一。俄罗斯政府近日加大了对这家美国快餐连锁集团的打击力度,对其门店展开了逾200项调查。

    Russia has broadened its crackdown on McDonald 's to more than 200 separate investigations , in a campaign that makes the US fast food group one of the biggest casualties of Moscow 's festering stand-off with the west over Ukraine .

  23. 联合国将会就乌克兰问题与俄罗斯进行讨论,美国将会与长年以来饱受暴力冲突问题困扰的叙利亚进行讨论。

    Beef with other countries and capitals . The United States will have beef with Russia over Ukraine , the United States will have beef with Syria , which is here over the terrible violence that 's gone on there for years .

  24. 由于美俄关系因为乌克兰问题而恶化,所以俄罗斯对国际空间站的长远未来已经产生怀疑。

    Such a project would rival the International Space Station ( ISS ) , an orbiting laboratory that involves 15 nations including Russia and the United States.Moscow has cast doubt on the ISS 's long-termfuture as ties with Washington plummet over Ukraine .

  25. 同时,乌克兰问题给地缘政治确实带来了复杂性,尤其是影响了世界经济的复苏进程,我们还是希望这个问题能够通过对话、谈判、协商解决。

    At the same time , the issue of Ukraine has added to the complexity of the geopolitical situation , and also exerted an impact on the process of economic recovery . We hope that there will be a negotiated settlement of this issue through dialogue .

  26. 尽管几年前克里姆林宫还是不情愿中国直接插手远东地区最有价值的产业,但是现在俄由于乌克兰问题而受到西方的孤立,它不得不改变想法了,并且除了中国它也没有多少备选的国家。

    Although just a few years ago the Kremlin was reluctant to allow the Chinese direct access to the most valuable industries of the Far East , it had to change its mind when faced with Western isolation over Ukraine and now having few alternatives but China .

  27. 目前,投资者和俄罗斯公民正在关注明天由普京主持的年度记者招待会,以便找到有关普京计划如何应对危机的信号&尤其是他可能在乌克兰问题上放软身段、以求缓解西方制裁的任何信号。

    Investors and Russian citizens are now looking to an annual press conference by Mr Putin tomorrow for signals on how he plans to deal with the crisis & and in particular for any signs that he may soften his stance on Ukraine in an attempt to ease sanctions .

  28. 莫斯科否认和乌克兰东部问题有关。

    Moscow has denied any involvement in eastern Ukraine .

  29. 在乌克兰冲突问题上,中国一直采取谨慎中立的立场,同时在总体上表达对俄罗斯的支持。

    China has taken a carefully neutral stance on the Ukraine conflict , while more broadly expressing its support for Russia .

  30. [王毅]我知道今天一定有人要提乌克兰的问题。我首先要告诉大家的是,中国在乌克兰问题上秉持公正和客观的态度,我们已经多次阐明了我们的立场。

    Wang Yi : First , let me tell you that China follows a just and objective position on the issue of Ukraine , and we have stated our position on multiple occasions .