
  • 网络accept money deposits;deposit;deposit-taking;deposit taking;take deposits
  1. 美国选择限制银行从事自营交易的能力(《沃尔克(Volcker)规则》),英国则将吸收存款与交易业务完全分离,而其它一些国家的银行体系毫无变动。

    The US has chosen to limit banks ' ability to engage in proprietary trading ( the Volcker rule ), the UK is separating deposit taking from trading altogether and some other countries have left their systems unchanged .

  2. 他也寻求淡化吸收存款的重要性。他说,我们还没考虑过存款的事,我们不打算追逐存款。

    He also sought to downplay the importance of deposit taking .

  3. 美国参议院农业委员会(senateagriculturecommittee)提议,阻止吸收存款银行在互换市场上做市。

    The Senate Agriculture Committee proposes blocking deposit-taking banks from making markets in swaps .

  4. 正是这一逻辑,确保了美国《1933年银行法》(usbankingactof1933)做出明确隔离吸收存款的商业银行与投机性投行业务的规定。

    It was this logic that ensured a clear separation in the US banking act of 1933 between deposit-taking commercial banks and the speculative investment banking business .

  5. 过去一年中,中国金融行业版图发生了巨大变化。互联网巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和腾讯(Tencent)带头进入了移动支付、类似吸收存款的储蓄产品,乃至成熟的银行业务领域。

    The past year has brought significant disruption to China 's financial landscape , with internet heavyweights Alibaba and Tencent leading the charge into mobile payments , deposit-like savings products , and even fully fledged banking .

  6. 周五,中国银监会(CBRC)发布通知称,今年以来,少数银行利用上述手段吸收存款。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission issued a notice on Friday saying that a minority of banks had resorted to such tactics since the start of this year to attract bank deposits from clients .

  7. 根据cra法案,银行每年须拨出自身一定比例的资产(在美国吸收存款的0.8%-1%),用于“满足”中低收入团体的“信贷需求”。

    Under CRA , banks must each year devote a portion of their assets , which can range between between 0.8 per cent and 1 per cent of US-based deposits , to " meet the credit needs " of low - and moderate-income communities .

  8. 银行吸收存款最佳值的计算机模拟

    Best value of bank absorbing deposit in computer simulation

  9. 第二,贷款公司将获准改制为可吸收存款的银行。

    Second , lending companies will be allowed to change into deposit-taking banks .

  10. 金融机构账外吸收存款的犯罪探析

    Study on Criminal Offence against Absorbing Deposits Out of Accounts in Financial Institutions

  11. 小额贷款公司没有被列为银行,因为它们不吸收存款。

    Small-loan companies are not classified as banks because they cannot take deposits .

  12. 该行不吸收存款,但通过发行债券筹集资金。

    It does not take deposits , but raises money by issuing bonds .

  13. 商业银行作为一家开业机构,其业务范围包括:从个人和公司吸收存款;

    A commercial bankis an organization established to : accept deposits from individuals and businesses ;

  14. 银行最重要的职能也正是它们最朴实无华的职能:吸收存款,发放贷款。

    The most important function of banks is also their least glamorous taking deposits and making loans .

  15. 孙也将吸收存款控制在公司内部的员工之间。

    And Mr Sun is scaling down his deposit-taking operation , restricting it now to company workers .

  16. 银行吸收存款,银行借钱给人们使存款发挥其作用等等。

    A bank takes deposits and puts deposits to work , by lending money , et cetera .

  17. 除了吸收存款和发放贷款这两项基本业务,还有诸如资金管理等其它业务。

    Alongside the basic tasks of deposit taking and lending there are activities such as fund management .

  18. 这将迫使银行相互竞争以吸收存款,让家庭获得更高的储蓄回报。

    This will force banks to compete for deposits , giving households a better return on their savings .

  19. 国开行不吸收存款,其主要资金来源是向其他银行出售债券。

    CDB does not take deposits and its main source of funding is to sell bonds to other banks .

  20. 但即便如此企业仍决定吸收存款筹资,凸显出信贷危机对融资活动造成的影响。

    That companies are nonetheless seeking cash deposits highlights the extent to which the credit crunch has hobbled fund-raising .

  21. 这保证了银行进行合理贷款之前不必吸收存款。

    This ensured that those who did not have to access to credit before were suddenly eligible for a loan .

  22. 农村合作金融机构作为金融体系中的重要组成部分,其业务主要以传统的吸收存款和发放贷款为主,存贷差成为了农村合作金融机构的最主要的利润来源。

    As an important part of the financial system , rural cooperative financial institutions are mainly in deposits and loans .

  23. 外资银行面临的主要限制之一是在所有银行业活动中最基本的领域:吸收存款。

    One of the main constraints on foreign banks has been the most basic of all banking activities : attracting deposits .

  24. 作为商业银行,他们在任何时间都可以从公众当中吸收存款,并从美联储借出资金。

    As commercial banks , they can take deposits from the public and borrow from the Federal Reserve at any time .

  25. 此类交易不需要银行执照,因为不吸收存款的小额贷款公司可以单独获得许可。

    The deal did not require a banking licence because microfinance companies , which do not collect deposits , are licensed separately .

  26. 这实际上为债券发行提供了补贴,与过去吸收存款和发行短期票据的补贴不同。

    This has created a subsidy for bond issuance , distinct from the old subsidies for collecting deposits and issuing short-term paper .

  27. 危机中代理问题浮现,使银行吸收存款不至于太大。

    The risks of bank failures induced greater agency problems in banking sector , which makes deposits not too large in crisis .

  28. 那些专注于吸收存款和发放贷款的银行,会有更大的机会被政府视为具有经济重要性的银行。

    Those that focus on deposit-taking and lending stand a better chance of being seen by governments as important to the economic system .

  29. 当时美国的法规允许任何人开办银行,但禁止开设多个吸收存款的分支机构。

    The rules allowed anyone to start a bank in the US , but made it impossible to open many deposit taking branches .

  30. 的确,作为四大银行吸收存款的方式,三年内提高利率的计划已被推迟。

    Indeed , as a sop to the big four banks , plans to liberalise interest rates within three years have been delayed .