
  • 网络Goh Chok Tong;Mr Goh Chok Tong
  1. 吴作栋总理第一次走访中国是在1971年。

    PRIME Minister Goh Chok Tong first visited China in 1971 .

  2. 大概是一、二年前,吴作栋总理讲了一句话,我至今还感到温暖。

    I still find a comment by Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong in one of his speeches about one or two years ago rather heart-warming .

  3. 吴作栋没有说明该清算行具体将提供哪些服务。

    Mr Goh did not say what services the clearing bank would provide .

  4. 新加坡回教徒会不会响应吴作栋总理的号召选择温和路线?

    Will Singaporean Muslims take up PM Goh 's call to be " moderate Muslims "?

  5. 有点可爱的是,吴作栋承认,他不太清楚人们的需求。

    Rather endearingly , Mr Goh admitted he did not quite know what people wanted .

  6. 但这番言论在社会上引起很大反响,许多人认为,吴作栋不必自视清高。

    But the move provoked a reaction from many people who felt he was needlessly patronising .

  7. 尽管中国-东盟自由贸易区将使中国和东盟双方,尤其是新加坡,获得更多的早期收益,但吴作栋却又积极倡导地区共同市场计划,以迎接中国的挑战

    Though Singapore would benefit more from China-ASEAN Free Trade Area , but Goh Chok Tong is championing a regional common market to counter China 's threat

  8. 普罗迪在三天访星行程的第二天会议中,将欧盟的优先顺序告知了星国总理吴作栋。

    At his second day 's meeting in his three-day itinerary in singapore , Prodi told Singapore Prime Minister Goh choktong the eu 's priorities in sequence .

  9. 所以,吴作栋总理说得有理:你不讲标准英语,外国人便听不懂你的话。

    Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong is , therefore , right : If you don 't speak good English , foreigners would not be able to understand you .

  10. 吴作栋总理在今年的国庆群众大会演说中呼吁国人学好华文,以便搭上中国的经济快车。

    In his National Day Rally speech this year , Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong urged Singaporeans to learn the Chinese language in order to hop onto the China economic juggernaut .

  11. 吴作栋总理在国庆群众大会演讲时,以帮助进军中国市场为理由,鼓励华族学生学习华文华语。

    At his National Day rally speech this year , Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong spoke about riding on china 's economic growth and urged Chinese pupils to learn the Chinese language and Mandarin seriously .

  12. 1992年实行口香糖销售禁令的正是吴作栋&此事若未得到李光耀的支持是推行不下去的,那时李光耀在内阁仍有很大的影响力。

    It was Mr Goh who introduced the ban on chewing gum in 1992 & a move unlikely to have gone ahead without the support of Mr Lee , who still wielded enormous influence in the cabinet at the time .

  13. 1992年实行口香糖销售禁令的正是吴作栋——此事若未得到李光耀的支持是推行不下去的,那时李光耀在内阁仍有很大的影响力。

    It was Mr Goh who introduced the ban on chewing gum in 1992 - a move unlikely to have gone ahead without the support of Mr Lee , who still wielded enormous influence in the cabinet at the time .

  14. 去年六月,吴作栋总理正式提出了“重思考的学校、好学习的国家”的目标,并认为我们在培育年轻一代的工作上,应该朝这个方向走。

    Another initiative was also officially launched last year in June when our Prime Minister Mr Goh Chok unveiled the vision of thinking schools , learning nation as the direction we should take in preparing our young for the future .

  15. 吴作栋的新闻发言人说,自世贸组织部长会议去年在卡达首都杜哈作出召开新一轮贸易谈判的决定之后,欧盟便将全球贸易当作首要之务。

    Goh choktong 's press secretary said that since the WTO ministerial meeting made the decision last year in doha , capital of qatar , to hold a new round of trade negotiations , the EU has put the global trade on top of its priority list .