
yòu duì qí
  • right alignment;align right;flush right;right flush
  1. 段落样式;字体名称;字号;字体颜色;加粗;倾斜;下划线;左对齐;居中对齐;右对齐;项目符号;编号列表;减少缩进量;增加缩进量。

    Paragraph Styles ; Font Names ; Font Size ; Font Color ; Bold ; Italic ; Underline ; Align Left ; Center ; Align Right ; Bullets ; Numbered List ; Decrease Indent ; Increase Indent .

  2. BSRIGHT在按钮的绘制区域内右对齐文本。

    BS_RIGHT Right aligns the text in the button rectangle .

  3. 将显示所有列的列表,可在这里改进表格布局,比如将Value列右对齐以实现更好的可读性。

    A list of all the columns will appear where you can enhance the layout of the table , such as right aligning the Value column for better readability .

  4. 计算器应用程序有一个通过TRAILING关键字指定的右对齐的文本字段。

    The calculator application has a text field with right justification , specified by the TRAILING keyword .

  5. 但如果按钮是一个没有BSRIGHTBUTTON样式的单选或复选框,标题文本将在单选或复选框可点选区的右边居右对齐。

    However , if the button is a check box or radio button that does not have the BS_RIGHTBUTTON style , the text is right aligned on the right side of the check box or radio button .

  6. 本设计支持I2S、左对齐、右对齐格式的I2S协议以及S/PDIF协议等多种音频协议。

    The design supports a lot of audio interface protocols , such as the I2S , left-justified format , right-justified format , S / PDIF protocol and so on . 3 .

  7. 单元格的字符串左对齐,数字右对齐。

    Align strings to left , numbers to right of cell .

  8. “右对齐式制表符”制表位设置文本的右端位置。

    A right tab stop sets the right end of the text .

  9. 此处顶端标题是右对齐,低端标题是居中对齐。

    Here , top title is right-justified and bottom title is center-justified .

  10. 段落中每一行右对齐;

    Align all lines in the paragraph on the right ;

  11. 我们会对该列的文本右对齐。

    We 'll right-justify the text in the column .

  12. 选定要右对齐的单元格。

    Select the cells you want to line up on the right edge .

  13. 是不是要求文章不要右对齐啊?我的文章是两端对齐的,右边空白比较大。

    Please avoid full justification , i.e.do not use a constant right-hand margin .

  14. 带文字环绕效果的图片和对象将转换为左对齐或右对齐。

    Pictures and objects with text wrapping will become left or right aligned .

  15. 消息框文本右对齐。

    The message box text is right-aligned .

  16. 加粗斜体下划线左对齐居中右对齐顶端对齐水平居中底端对齐字体颜色

    Bold Italic Underline Align Left Center Align Right Align Top Align Middle Align Bottom Font Color

  17. help:对于顶级菜单项,指定菜单项将右对齐。

    Help : for top-level menu items , specifies that the menu item will be right-justified .

  18. 大标题的首行左对齐接下一行右对齐。

    A headline with the top line flush left and succeeding lines indented to the right .

  19. 您还要右对齐数字列的标题因为它们通过值进行排列。

    You also right-align the headers for the numeric columns so they line up with the values .

  20. 对于常规格式,文本总是左对齐,数字总是右对齐。

    For the General format , text is always aligned to the left and numbers to the right .

  21. 标题文本可以根据用户需要与页面左对齐、右对齐和居中对齐。

    Title texts can be aligned to the left , right , and center of the page based on user need .

  22. 如果要将选定区域内的文本靠右对齐,请单击格式工具栏上的右对齐按钮。

    To make the contents of selected cells align to the right , click the Align Right button on the Formatting toolbar .

  23. 合理对齐数据。对于纵列的数据而言,很实用的方式是右对齐整数部分,小数和小数点部分左对齐。

    Justify data appropriately . For columns of data it is common practice to right justify integers , decimal align floating point numbers , and left justify strings .

  24. 将单元格的内容沿单元格的右边缘对齐。

    Aligns the contents of a cell with the right edge of the cell .

  25. 拖到绘图页上,可添加顶点可独立调节的三角形。右击可显示对齐框。

    Drag onto the page to add a triangle with independently adjustable vertices . Right-click to show alignment box .