
kě yù bù kě qiú
  • 熟语sth. that can only be found by accident, and not through seeking
  1. 可惜优秀的文字作品真是可遇不可求。

    Good writing is unfortunately the exception rather than the rule .

  2. 不贪财的生意人可遇不可求。

    It is not every day that one meets a business-person who is not obsessed with Mammon .

  3. 不过,为什么创意还是这么可遇不可求?

    But why does creativity remain so elusive ?

  4. 要永远要相信,爱情可遇不可求。

    Always believe that love can not be met demand .

  5. 爱情可遇不可求,而且,通常是很脆弱的。

    It is rare , hard to come by and often fragile .

  6. 一定会损失可遇不可求的人才。

    You will lose people you wish you had not .

  7. 这是你一生都可遇不可求的好素材。

    You can wait your whole life for a story like this .

  8. 爱情可遇不可求,那就让我俩相遇吧!

    We may fall in love in the right moment .

  9. 缘分可遇不可求,就象我爱着你一样。

    Fate can be met not seek , as I love you like .

  10. 班主任语录:爱情,可遇不可求。

    Teacher in charge collected sayings : the love , may meet cannot ask .

  11. 但是那只是可遇不可求的事,我的房租等着我去付。

    But it wasn 't going to happen anytime soon , and my rent needed paying .

  12. 完美是个未知数,完美永远可遇不可求。也许,完美就在眼前。

    It is not perfect , perfect forever uncommon . Perhaps , perfect is in sight .

  13. 碰到逆境时,应心生感激,这是可遇不可求啊!

    In the face of adversity , be grateful , for such opportunities do not come by easily .

  14. 但是,对我们而言,拥有一个真正意义上的好老板实在是可遇不可求。

    To the rest of us , however , having a truly great boss is an exception rather than the norm .

  15. 但这整个经历中最值得称道的地方是能与这么多认真且专业(虽然只是大家在业余时间打造出的产品)的人们一同工作实在是可遇不可求。

    But the best part of the whole experience was working with people who were so serious and professional about participating in this amateur production .

  16. 对于设计而言,艺术的灵感或许是可遇不可求的,而对设计进行定性化、定量化、程序化、系统化的分析与操作却是可以实现的。

    To design , perhaps the artistic inspiration can not be recounted precisely but the quantitative , sequenced and systematized analysis and operation actually can be realized .

  17. 生命中的一部分可遇不可求,现在既然遇到了就别犹豫,紧紧抓住,否则错过后悔就太迟了。

    A part of life goodly portion of luck , now that encountered on the other hesitate to grasp this opportunity and regret it too late or miss .

  18. 我很高兴。在从事野外研究狼的二十五年中,能在如此近距离的观察它们,可遇不可求。

    This delighted me , for in a quarter of a century studying wolves in the wild , I had only rarely seen them at close quarters from the ground .

  19. 对那些人来说这绝对是个损失,他们不但错过了一位优秀的吉他手,也与那种纯粹自然状态下的文化交流失之交臂,而这种机会实在是可遇不可求。

    It 's their loss ; not only are they missing out on a great guitarist but also on moments of unforced cultural exchange that can be hard to come by .

  20. 颜:那真是可遇不可求,回头想过去的感情,乏善足陈,只有一次令你刻骨铭心?

    Ngan : that is what meant by " can meet but can 't be asked . " looking back at all the past love affairs , you only remember once of them eternally ?

  21. 做一个老派的酿酒商需要某些特性,更不用提风土条件(这个术语指的是生产葡萄酒的环境)了,这种条件可遇不可求。

    Being an old-school winemaker takes certain attributes , not to mention terroirs ( a term for the environment in which a wine is produced ) , of which there are simply not enough to go around .

  22. 尽管我也知道又高雅又聪明还主动做那种事的女人是可遇不可求的奇葩。但我肯定我要跟这女人结婚。

    Although I do think it 's the rare bird that is both elegant and smart and volunteers that kind of thing . All I do know for sure is I am going to marry that woman .

  23. 在我从事这行的50余年里,我发现,供求之间的完美平衡是一件可遇不可求的事,他表示。

    In the 50-odd years that I 've been in this industry I 've found that a perfect balance between supply and demand is something you can only happen upon , rather than strive for , he said .

  24. Sebba也许是这世上最受爱戴的老板,这不仅因为自2003年以来公司在他的监督下高速发展,还源于他的人格魅力。但是,对我们而言,拥有一个真正意义上的好老板实在是可遇不可求。

    Sebba may be the most beloved boss on the planet - not only has he overseen rapid growth in the company since 2003 , but also because of his charming personality . To the rest of us , however , having a truly great boss is an exception rather than the norm .

  25. 我们都知道,非相关的资产是可遇而不可求的;

    We all know that uncorrelated assets are the Holy Grail ;

  26. 爱情可遇而不可求。

    Love can only be found by accident and not through seeking .

  27. 这种事情是可遇而不可求的。

    This kind of thing is a matter of chance rather than choice .

  28. 在科学与发现的故事中,顿悟发挥着至关重要的作用,并且可遇而不可求。

    In our fables of science and discovery , the crucial role of insight is a cherished theme .

  29. 在现行乡村政治格局中,一个村庄要出现这样的领导人,是可遇而不可求的偶然事件。

    However , under current political structures of the villages , it 's hard to meet such a leader .

  30. 色、墨的灵动,迸发出可遇而不可求的美感;

    The refreshing color & Ink often burst out a different sense of beauty which only comes out by accident ;