
kòu shǒu
  • kowtow;kotow
叩首 [kòu shǒu]
  • (1) [kowtow;kotow] 跪下磕头

  • 三跪九叩首

  • (2) 也叫叩头

叩首[kòu shǒu]
  1. 他说:我记得纪录片里人们在布达拉宫前叩首的场景。

    I remembered watching people kowtow in front of the Potala Palace .

  2. 皇帝进房间时,所有的仆人都得向他叩首。

    All the servants had to kowtow to the emperor when he entered the room .

  3. 一些人三步一拜,甚至三步一叩首。

    Some people took the practice of three-steps-one-bow or even three-steps-one-kowtow .

  4. 当这个软件巨头公司的老板拒绝象神像叩首时,他马上被变作了一只小虫子。

    When the head of the giant software corporation refused to kowtow to the swami , he was promptly transformed into a little bug .

  5. 要是我做了那件事,你们当天就绞死我,我真会向你们叩首,向你们祝福。

    If you 'd hanged me the day after I 'd done the deed , I would have gone down on my knees , and blessed you .

  6. 叩首,请退,废话不说,小婉蓁赶紧闪人鸟!皇六殿吗?没兴趣!

    Kowtow , please back , needless talk doesn 't say , small Wan Zhen hurriedly Semitic bird ! Emperor 's six palaces ? Have no interest !

  7. 有别于弓腰叩首的传统形象,他在压抑、受挫的日式精神中栖身,在扭曲失调的千年日本里横冲直撞。

    He 's the dark creature inhabiting repressed , frustrated Japanese psyches , who instead of bowing and kowtowing , is allowed to mutilate his way through twisted , dysfunctional , millennial Japan .

  8. 这样的价格,对于门外那些往往是举倾家荡产之力、拖家带口、三步一叩首用身体丈量土地步行来到大昭寺朝圣的信徒们来说,怎么可能负担得起?

    How could those believers outside the door , who have spent all their savings to travel with using their bodies to measure the thousand miles of distance , to afford this price ?