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  • 网络Hammerhead shark;Hammerhead;Scalloped Hammerhead
  1. 1987年一群观测双髻鲨(Hammerhead)的潜水者发现了与那国岛海底地形,此后立即引起了日本学界激烈的讨论。

    It was discovered in 1987 by a group of divers who were there to observe Hammerhead sharks , and it immediately sparked a huge amount of debate in the Japanese scientific community .

  2. 如果事情遂了谷歌(Google)的心愿,那么双髻鲨就可以在你的办公室里游动,大象可以站在你的手心里,龙也会和群鸟一起飞翔。

    If Google has its way , hammerhead sharks will swim through your office , elephants will fit in the palm of your hand and dragons will fly among the birds .

  3. 双髻鲨家族是一个好的例子。

    The hammerhead shark family is a good example .

  4. 比起尖鼻子的鲨鱼来说,双髻鲨的鼻孔相距比较宽。

    BOB DOUGHTY : Hammerhead sharks have nostrils that are more widely spaced than those of sharks with pointed noses .

  5. 紫外线不仅能将沙滩上的游客晒成古铜色,还能将水下的双髻鲨染成棕色。

    Ultraviolet rays don 't just bronze sunseekers on the beach . Underwater , they can give hammerhead sharks a suntan .

  6. 当双髻鲨游到气味的云层里的时候,他们通常不是直着游泳。而是,他们的身体有一个角度。

    When hammerheads swim into clouds of odor , they usually do not swim straight on . Instead , their bodies are on an angle .

  7. 得到至少三分之二批准的这5个物种是远洋白鳍鲨,双髻鲨,大双髻鲨、平双髻鲨和鼠鲨。

    The five species that received at least two-thirds approval are the Oceanic Whitetip , Scalloped Hammerhead , Great Hammerhead , Smooth Hammerhead and Porbeagle .

  8. 一些种类的鲨鱼数量已减少了70%,少数几个种类的数量减少了90%,例如平双髻鲨、牛鲨和虎鲨。

    Some species of shark have been depleted by70 per cent and a few , such as smooth hammerhead , bull sharks and tiger sharks , by90 per cent or more .