
  • 网络Aqueous two-phase extraction;ATPE;Two-aqueous phase extraction
  1. 双水相萃取法分离纯化α-淀粉酶的研究

    Purification of α - amylase by two-aqueous phase extraction

  2. 介绍了双水相萃取技术(ATPE)在生物工程下游工程中的应用现状,综述了近年来ATPE相关研究的进展。

    The applications of the aqueous two-phase extraction ( ATPE ) in these years were summarized , and the advances on the research of ATPE were reviewed .

  3. 聚乙二醇双水相萃取、荧光法测定维生素B2

    Determination of vitamin B_2 by fluorimetry after aqueous two phase extraction based on PEG

  4. 以双水相萃取法从猪心中快速制备细胞色素C

    Application of Aqueous Two - phase Extraction to Fast Preparation of Cytochrome C from Pork Heart

  5. 钯(II)碘络合物在丙醇-硫酸铵双水相萃取体系中的分配行为及在钯测定中的应用(英文)

    Distribution Behaviors of Pd ( II ) in PrOH - ( NH_4 ) SO_4 Aqueous Biphasic System and Its Application in Determination of Pd ( II )

  6. 酿酒酵母中乙醇脱氢酶双水相萃取与DEAE-32层析纯化方法的比较

    Comparing Aqueous two-phase Extraction with DEAE-32 Chromatography on Purified Process of Alcohol Dehydrogenase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae

  7. 双水相萃取在黄酮类化合物分离分析中的应用

    Application of Aqueous Two-phase Extraction to Separation and Analyse of Flavonoids

  8. 盾叶薯蓣发酵生产2,3-丁二醇及其双水相萃取研究

    Microbial Production and Aqueous Two-phase Extraction of 2,3-Butanediol from Dioscorea Zingiberensis

  9. 双水相萃取技术在分离提纯生物物质中的应用

    The Application of Aqueous Two - Phase System for Biologic Substances

  10. 双水相萃取技术及其在药物提取分离中的应用近况

    Application of Aqueous Two Phase Extraction in Drug Extraction and Separation

  11. 离子液体双水相萃取分离四环素的研究

    Study on the Aqueous Two-phase Ionic Liquids Extraction Separation Tetracycline

  12. 双水相萃取在乳酸钙精制中的应用研究

    Application Research of Refinement of Calcium Lactate by Double Water Phase Extraction

  13. 双水相萃取-高效液相色谱法测定酵母细胞中麦角固醇含量

    Determination of ergosterol in yeast cells by HPLC after aqueous two-phase extraction

  14. 双水相萃取技术在生物、医药方面的应用

    Biological and medical application of double water phases extraction technique

  15. 双水相萃取法应用于从白萝卜中快速提取过氧化物酶

    Application on Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction to Fast Preparation of Peroxidase from Radish

  16. 双水相萃取技术在白藜芦醇提纯工艺中的应用

    Application of Aqueous Two Phase Extraction Technique in Separation and Purification of Resveratrol

  17. 双水相萃取技术研究进展及应用

    Progress and Applications of Two Water Phase Extractive Technology

  18. 新型的萃取技术&双水相萃取

    Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction , A New Extraction Technique

  19. 双水相萃取技术研究现状

    Recent Approach of Aqueous Two - Phase Extraction

  20. 微生物发酵制备2,3-丁二醇及其双水相萃取

    Microbial Fermentation and Aqueous Two-phase Extraction of 2,3-Butanediol

  21. 双水相萃取体系的研究

    Study on Two - Phase Aqueous Extraction System

  22. 铁-乙酰丙酮络合双水相萃取火焰原子吸收光谱法测定铁

    Flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of iron by aqueous double-phase extraction based on iron-acetylacetone complex

  23. 聚乙二醇-硫酸铵双水相萃取废弃印刷线路板处理液中的金

    Extraction of gold from printed wiring board solution with polyethylene glycol-ammonium sulphate aqueous two-phase system

  24. 乙醇/碳酸钾双水相萃取盾叶薯蓣发酵液中的2,3-丁二醇

    Aqueous two-phase extraction of 2,3-butanediol by ethanol / potassium carbonate system from Dioscorea zingiberensis fermentative broths

  25. 乙醇-K2HPO4-KH2PO4双水相萃取固体基质室温燐光法测定色氨酸

    Determination of tryptophan by solid surface room temperature phosphorimetry after aqueous two-phase extraction based on ethanol-K_2HPO_4-KH_2PO_4

  26. 双水相萃取可能为金分离提供了一种新方法。

    The aqueous biphasic systems may provide a new technique for gold separation from cyanide solutions .

  27. 利用双水相萃取栀子黄废液中的栀子苷酶法生产栀子蓝色素的研究

    Enzymatic Production of Gardenia Blue from Geniposide from Gardenia Yellow Waste Liquid by Aqueous Two-phase Extraction

  28. 钳工切削刀的典型结构及在生产中的应用盾叶薯蓣发酵生产2,3-丁二醇及其双水相萃取研究

    Typical Structure of Tool for Benchwork Microbial Production and Aqueous Two-phase Extraction of 2,3-Butanediol from Dioscorea Zingiberensis

  29. 双水相萃取荣昌猪肉脂肪酶及酶学特性研究

    Study on the Extraction of Rongchang Pig 's Lipase by Aqueous Two-phase System and Character of Lipase

  30. 双水相萃取技术作为一项新的分离技术日益受到重视,它与传统的萃取方法相比有独特的优点。

    Aqueous two-phase extraction technique , a new separation technology , has been paid more and more attention .