
shuāng jiāo
  • double cross
双交 [shuāng jiāo]
  • [double cross] [农]∶四个不同的近交系中第一代杂交之间的产物(如玉蜀黍种的杂交)

双交[shuāng jiāo]
  1. 双交种推广时期(1959~1965);

    Extending of double cross hybrids ( 1959 - 1965 );

  2. 采用双交叠模糊分划的T-S模糊系统的稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of T-S fuzzy systems with two-overlapped fuzzy partition

  3. 研究前件变量采用双交叠模糊分划的T-S模糊系统的稳定性问题。

    The stability is studied for fuzzy systems with their premise variables employing two-overlapped fuzzy partition .

  4. 貌似你指的是双交叠喷口意味着是涡扇10A的某个升级版本。

    It sounds like you 're referring to the double-overlap nozzle which suggests some sort of WS-10A turbofan variant .

  5. 双交组合农艺性状的ADAA模型及其分析方法

    An ADAA Model and Its Analysis Method for Agronomic Traits Based on the Double-cross Mating Design

  6. 研究了输入采用双交叠模糊分划的模糊控制系统的性质,提出了一个新的判定T-S模糊控制系统稳定的充分条件。

    The properties of fuzzy control systems employing two-overlapped fuzzy partition ( TFP ) inputs are studied , and a new sufficient condition to check the stability of a T-S fuzzy control system is proposed .

  7. 基于上述问题,本文根据输入采用双交叠模糊分划的T-S模糊系统的性质,建立分段模糊的Lyapunov函数,提出了若干类T-S模糊系统严格耗散的充分条件。

    Based on the above issues , the property of T-S fuzzy systems whose input with dual overlapping fuzzy partition to establish piecewise fuzzy Lyapunov function are used , and then sufficient conditions of strictly dissipation for several classes of T-S fuzzy systems will be given .

  8. 根据双交组合方式的交配设计,运用Cockerhaln广义遗传模型的建模原理,提出了适用于分析作物农艺性状的加性-显性-上位性模型(ADAA模型),推导了不同世代群体的遗传效应分量。

    According to the double-cross mating design and using principles of Cockerham 's general genetic model , a genetic model with additive , dominance and epistatic effects ( ADAA model ) was proposed for the analysis of agronomic traits .

  9. 双交锁髓内针内固定治疗浮膝骨折的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Double Locking Nail Fixation on Floating Knee Fracture

  10. 普通小麦主要性状的双交效应分析

    Analysis of Double Effects for the Main Characters in Winter Wheat

  11. 鲜食糯玉米双交种应用试验

    The Experiment in Waxy Corn for Fresh Food

  12. 用于超宽带带通滤波器的双交指耦合线

    Double Interdigital Coupled Lines for UWB Bandpass Filter

  13. 三交和双交组合加性-显性-母体效应的遗传模型及豪特卡罗模拟分析

    Genetic Models with Additive-dominance-maternal Effects and Monte Carlo Simulation Analysis for Three-way and Four-way Crosses

  14. 膝部小切口双交锁髓内钉治疗创伤性浮膝

    The double interlocking intramedullary nailing treatment of traumatic floating knee fracture in a small knee incision

  15. 利用双交滑移模型说明了位错网的形成机制。

    The formation mechanism of the dislocation network has been explained in detail by applying the double-cross-slip model .

  16. 目的:探讨双交锁髓内针内固定治疗浮膝损伤的临床应用和意义。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical application and significance of double locking nail fixation on floating knee fracture .

  17. 前言:目的:总结膝部同一小切口双交锁髓内钉内固定治疗“浮膝”骨折的临床应用和意义。

    Objective To summarize the application and clinical meaning of double interlocking intramedullary nailing treatment of floating knee fracture in a small incision .

  18. 用8个普通小麦品种组配成210个双交组合,研究了株高等10个性状的一般效应、特殊效应和排列效应,分析了这些性状的基因作用方式。

    210 double crosses involving 8 winter wheat parents were utilized in this research . Analysis was centered on the general effects , specific effects , arrangement effects and gene action manner for 10 characters .

  19. 不同组配方式杂交种的平均羊株产量无显著差异,其它性状表现的相对优越性有所变化,组合间总方差、遗传方差、遗传变异系数一般表现为单交>三交>双交种;

    There were no significant differences in hybrids with different combining types for per plant yield and the type with the best performance , the greatest genetic variance and genetic variant coefficients between crosses seemed to showa tendency of single > three-way > double crosses hybrids .

  20. 著名的香奈儿双C交叠商标即来自她的姓名字首。

    The famous Chanel logo of two intertwined Cs is based on her initials .

  21. 静力髓内钉组和双动力交锁髓内钉组在扭转和三点弯曲实验过程中各力学参数无统计差异(P0.05)。

    The parameters of three-point bending and reversing were no statistical difference between Static intramedullary nail group and the double p dynamic compressional nail group in mechanical process ( P 0.05 ) .

  22. 具体的工作包括以下几个部分:第一,针对SIFT算法在实际应用中可能存在较多错误匹配的问题,提出了基于双尺度交叠小块和梯度分解的SIFT改进算法。

    Specifically , it includes the following parts . Firstly , considering the situation that SIFT algorithm may cause a number of wrong points matching in the actual application , we propose an improved algorithm based on two sizes of overlapped blocks and gradient decomposition .

  23. 双变量交-交变频调压过程触发控制策略研究

    Study on Trigger Control Strategy of Double-Variable Ac-Ac Frequency-Conversion and Voltage-Regulation

  24. 双变量交交变频器对称控制方法的研究及谐波分析

    The study of double-variable cycloconverter control method and the analysis of harmonic

  25. 基于双变量交-交变频器的双馈调速系统的研究

    Study to Double Feeding Back Velocity Regulation System Based on Bi-Variant AC-AC Transducer

  26. 3/12相双绕组交直流发电机的电路模型

    Circuit Models of 3 / 12-Phase Double-Winding AC-DC Generators

  27. 混频器双音交调特性分析

    Two-tone Intermodulation Analysis for Mixers

  28. 双绕组交直流发电机直流侧突然短路分析

    Analysis of sudden DC - side short circuit of double - winding AC - DC generator s

  29. 分析了双变量交交变频器的原理和结构及其谐波产生的机理。

    The principle and structure of bivariate AC-AC frequency transformer and the mechanism of harmonic production are analyzed .

  30. 并系统地构建了三(双)交组合的主基因-多基因混合遗传模型。

    Genetic models for major gene and polygene effects with GE interaction were also proposed for 3-way ( 4-way ) crosses .