
  1. 厦门国际马拉松赛创办于2003年,它受到国际业余田联的欢迎并把它作为金牌赛事,因为它以迷人海滨风景作为赛场。

    The Xiamen International Marathon , which was launched in2003 and hailed by IAAF as the Gold Label Road Race , is renowned for its charming seaside scenic course .

  2. 运用问卷调查和行业跟踪调查的方法,以厦门国际马拉松赛为例,阐明竞赛表演市场对区域经济和社会发展的作用。

    By using the method of questionnaire investigation and industry follow-up , taking the Xiamen international marathon as an example , this paper illustrates the impact of sports demonstration market on regional economies and social development .