
  1. 厦门市政府办公厅和厦门市卫生局分别带团前往新加坡考察,深入了解新加坡的公共医疗制度,当中也包括新加坡社区综合诊疗所。

    Delegations respectively led by Xiamen Municipal Government Office and Xiamen Health Bureau visited Singapore to study Singapore 's public health system , including polyclinics .

  2. 厦门市某音乐厅以其特有的地理位置、颇具特色的建筑造型以及优良的建筑声学效果蜚声海内外。

    With peculiar geographical position , characteristic building model and fine architectural acoustics , some music hall in Xiamen city has made her name from home and abroad .