
  • 网络Ruble zone
  1. 而其它货币区(比如卢布区)则并非如此。

    Others , such as the rouble area , did not .

  2. 因此,欧元区会走卢布区的老路吗?

    So might the eurozone head the same way as the rouble zone ?

  3. 可能性似乎不大,但需要提醒的是,1992年年初的时候,也没有人认为卢布区会解体。

    It might seem unlikely but , then again , no one at the beginning of 1992 thought the rouble zone would fall apart .

  4. 然而,整个1993年,卢布区土崩瓦解:从亚美尼亚到阿塞拜疆,从白俄罗斯到格鲁吉亚,各种新货币纷纷粉墨登场。

    Through 1993 , however , the rouble area imploded : new currencies came into play from Armenia to Azerbaijan and from Belarus to Georgia .

  5. 他走过剧院区的小胡同和卢布姆斯伯里区恬静的广场。

    He walked through the alleys of theatre land and the quiet squares of bloomsbury .