
kǎ dí
  • cadi;Cady;Caddy;Khatib
  1. 宽频带地震台站CAD(东比利牛斯卡迪山隧道)的场地特征及背景噪声

    The broadband seismic station CAD ( T ù nel de í Cadi , eastern Pyrenees ): site characteristics and background noise

  2. 当时的勇敢女性诸如苏珊.B.安东尼和伊丽莎白.卡迪.斯坦顿

    When brave women like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

  3. 在卡迪根湾的另一狭长地段的尾端是巴德西岛。

    At the end of the other arm of Cardigan Bay is Bardsey Island .

  4. 海洋生物学家号召将卡迪根湾建成一个海洋自然保护区,以保护那里的海豚。

    Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature reserve to protect the dolphins .

  5. 卡迪砂岩是岩屑砂岩,由燧石,石英、石英岩、硅化泥板岩和其它岩石碎屑颗粒所组成。

    The cardium sandstone is lithic , being composed of grains of chert , quartz , quartzite , silicified argillite , and other rock fragments .

  6. 并管理卡迪佛威尔士QC实验室。

    He managed the All Wales QC laboratory in Cardiff .

  7. 销售好莱坞(hollywood)大片的盗版碟,在上海是笔大买卖,而卡迪俱乐部一直是移居中国的外国人和游客追捧的地方。

    Pirated copies of Hollywood blockbusters are big business in the city , and Ka de club has been the popular haunt for expatriates and tourists .

  8. 这种说法略显苍白,因为从历史上来看,不称职的精英人物一直都存在,比如古罗马暴君尼禄、卡迪甘勋爵、内维尔•张伯伦,还有吹嘘泰坦尼克号(Titanic)永不沉没的那些人。

    Yet history is replete with examples of elite incompetence & think Nero , Lord cardigan , Neville Chamberlain , and whoever called the Titanic unsinkable .

  9. 卡迪把我放这不过是想让你难受而已。

    Cuddy just put me here to make you miserable .

  10. 所有汇聚在皮卡迪里广场的主要大街都与地铁车站入口外相通

    There are entrances from all the main streets that converge at the circus

  11. 纳米比亚奥斯维罗&奥斯卡迪道路修复工程国际投标浅析

    Discussion on International Bidding of Reconstruction Engineering in Part Section of Namibia Highway

  12. 去皮卡迪里广场的费用是多少?

    How much is the fare to Piccadilly circus ?

  13. 他们有两个女儿:卡迪娅和玛丽娅。

    They have two daughters , Katya and maria .

  14. 卡迪罗奖学金获奖者有现金奖励

    The Cardillo Fellowship , it 's a cash prize

  15. 只要你完好地把它退回,这件卡迪根式夹克衫是可以调换的。

    The cardigan is certainly exchangeable as long as you return it in good condition .

  16. 卡迪奥戈保卫革命委员会;

    Revolutionary Defence Committee of kadiogo ;

  17. 原法国北部一省,在皮卡迪和佛兰德间的英吉利海峡附近。

    A former province of northern France near the English Channel ( between Picardy and Flanders ) .

  18. 卡迪:我同意很多什么史蒂夫说对包装设计的渠道。

    Cady : I agree with a lot of what Steve was saying about designing packaging for channels .

  19. 辟卡迪三度形成的下属小调半终止结束&一种特殊的结束型和声陈述手法

    Minor Semi-termination Ending Formed by " Picardie Three Tones " & A Special Ending Form Harmony Expression Method

  20. 作为你忠实的朋友,卡迪链业所有员工,真诚地欢迎你与卡迪结缘

    As your faithful friend , Cady chain industry for all staff , sincerely welcome you and Cady á

  21. 卡迪根湾威:尔士西部海岸圣乔治海峡的开阔海湾。

    Cardigan Bay : a wide-mouthed inlet of St. George 's Channel on the western coast of Wales .

  22. 我走过去把按键和节奏设好,班克斯和卡迪小子即兴发挥。

    I went over to the keys , the beat got laid , banks and Cudi did their verses .

  23. 1975年在卡迪佛大学化学系获得了他的博士学位并且进行了博士后的研究。

    He obtained his PhD in1975 and carried out post-doctoral studies in the chemistry department at University College , Cardiff .

  24. 在皮卡迪里广场的中央,伫立着一座据称名为厄络斯爱神的雕像。

    In the middle of Piccadilly Circus there is a statue said to be of Eros , the god of love .

  25. 此人转过身,本·卡迪什拉比用一根蜡烛打了他的后脑勺。

    The man turned around , and Rabbi Ben Kaddish smashed him in the back of the head with a candlestick .

  26. 卡迪俱乐部在两年内被迫3次搬家,目前已更换了经营名称。

    Ka de club has been forced to change location three times in two years and now operates under a different name .

  27. 自从萨达姆·侯赛因倒台后,巴格达郊外卡迪米亚的生意就非常红火。

    Ever since the fall of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein , Kadhimiya , just outside Baghdad , has been bustling with business .

  28. 让卡迪每一天都过得仿佛依然没有孩子,也没有工作存在时不可能的;

    It would be impossible for Cuddy to spend every day as if her child and her professional life don 't exist ;

  29. 我们邀请28岁的伦敦女孩卡迪-维利尔斯-史密斯来测试这款美容镜,发现她的真实肤质状况。

    We asked Katie Villiers-Smith , 28 , from London , to test out the mirror and discover the truth behind her complexion .

  30. 它是在20年前建成的,好像和我感兴趣的这座博物馆出自同一名建筑师之手——道格拉斯·卡迪纳尔。

    It was built about 20 years ago and I think by the same architect who designed the building I 'm interested in . Douglas Cardinal .