
qiān nián chónɡ
  • Y2K bug
  1. 我今天在网上看到了一些关于千年虫的新闻,太可怕了!

    I saw some news on the net today about the Y2K bug , it 's terrifying !

  2. 千年虫没有在国家、地区或者全球等范围内的主要服务设施造成严重的障碍。

    The Y2K bug produced no serious disruptions of critical services on a national , regional , or global level .

  3. 而这场由上世纪30年代以来最严重金融危机引发的经济动荡,不会像对于千年虫(Y2K)的担忧那样迅速消散。

    And the economic dislocation caused by the biggest financial crisis since the 1930s will not dissipate as quickly as the fears over Y2K .

  4. 此次的期权拍卖安排,与美联储1999年为应付千年虫问题(y2k)引发流动性危机风险时的策略相似。

    The options facility is similar to the strategy used by the fed in 1999 to deal with the risk of a millennium Y2K liquidity crisis .

  5. 电脑千年虫问题的解决方法分析与实践

    Analysis and Practice of the Resolving Methods to the Y2K Problem

  6. 千年虫故障会造成严重的经济及社会危害。

    Y2K failures could cause serious economic and social harm .

  7. 我的意思是就像千年虫一样。

    I mean , it 's like Y2K on acid .

  8. 不同的国家报道了些小的千年虫故障。

    Minor Y2K glitches were reported by the different countries .

  9. 国际千年虫问题工作小组战果骄人。

    The global Y2K team delivered a successful outcome .

  10. 计算机千年虫问题的探讨

    Approach to the Computer the thousand year worm Problem

  11. 大家都知道,科学家们已经解决了千年虫的问题。

    The problem of Millennium Bug is known to have been solved by scientists .

  12. 千年虫杀手卡硬件设计

    A Hardware Design of PC Y2K Killer Card

  13. 但是谁能想到,当年最大的问题来自于“千年虫”。

    But by far the biggest bug was the hoopla around the Y2K problem .

  14. 通信网千年虫问题解决对策

    Year 2000 Problem Solutions for Communication Network

  15. 那个时候,每个人都在担心千年虫的到来。

    Everybody was worried about the coming of the millennium bug during that period of time .

  16. 还记得猪流感或千年虫吗?

    Do you remember swine flu ?

  17. 我们公司的电脑因千年虫问题瘫痪了。你知道怎么修吗?

    The computer system in my company broke down due to y2k.do you know how to fix it ?

  18. 不用为千年虫问题做准备只是衡量本世纪头十年科技进步的标准之一。

    A lack of millennium bug preparation is just one measure of technology 's advance in the noughties .

  19. 千年虫问题对年月号的影响及对策

    The Influence of Y2k on the Use of Data Call Numbers in the 21st Century and the Countermeasures to Solve It

  20. 20世纪90年代末期,印度的外包大多与IT相关,比如如何解决千年虫的问题。

    In the late 1990s , Indian outsourcing was associated mainly with IT issues such as dealing with the millennium bug .

  21. 对千年虫和猪流感等传播甚广的恐慌来说,有商业利益集团从恐慌传播中受益。

    Scares that thrive , such as the millennium bug and swine flu , have commercial interests that benefit from their propagation .

  22. 在美国,有人劝告居民储存短期内的生活必需品,以防电脑千年虫来袭。

    In America , citizens have been advised to stock up on necessities for a short period in case of Y2K disruptions .

  23. 当时是千年虫问题发生的高峰期,所以这里非常需要人手。

    At that time , the Y2K problem was going on in the peak time , so there was a heavy need of people here .

  24. 国际千年虫问题合作中心在联合国的支持下由世界银行提供资金于1999年2月应运而生了。

    International Y2K Cooperation Center was created in February 1999 under the auspices of the United Nations , with the funding from the World Bank .

  25. 整个世界都在忙于对付“千年虫”,编写了大量代码,生产了大量硬件。

    The world was busily working to protect itself from the consequences of the Y2K bug with a lot of coding and a lot of hardware .

  26. 您知道,问题是我们正处在世纪之交,千年虫让我们担忧。

    The problem , you see , is that we are now at the turn of the century . We 're worried about the millennium bug .

  27. 然而马修对此却一点都不惊讶,他在2000年人口普查前不久来到芝加哥,为了预期防止被称为千年虫病毒的电脑故障而工作。

    It doesn 't surprise Matthew , who came to Chicago shortly before the 2000 census , working to prevent the expected computer glitch known as Y2K .

  28. 在服务业国际转移的过程中,印度以千年虫问题为契机,充分依托其人才资源及语言优势,迅速发展成为欧美国家服务外包的主要承接国。

    With the opportunity of resolving Millennium Bug and the advantages of language and human resources , India has become the most important destination of service outsourcing industry .

  29. 千年虫的威胁看上去尤其危险,不过最终千年虫显然没有威胁到任何人。

    The scare of the Y2K bug seemed to highlight the danger , at least until it became obvious that the bug was of no threat to anyone .

  30. 还记得千年虫的恐慌吗?由于当时的程序无法读取1999年以后的数据,我们担心计算机将会瘫痪。

    Technology vs. Time ANCHOR Now remember the Y2K scare when it was feared that computers would freeze-up because they weren 't programmed to read data after 1999 .