
  • 网络purulent peritonitis
  1. 消炎痛治疗急性化脓性腹膜炎的研究

    Experimental study on treatment for a-cute purulent peritonitis with indomethacin

  2. 目的探索在急性化脓性腹膜炎条件下促进肠吻合或缝合口愈合的措施。

    Objective To investigate the effective measures to promote the healing of intestinal anastomosis in severe purulent peritonitis .

  3. 不同病因所致化脓性腹膜炎的CT表现特征

    CT Features of Pyogenic Peritonitis Caused by Different Etiological Factors

  4. 急诊手术引流治疗3例(SAP并化脓性腹膜炎、胰腺脓肿)。

    Cases complicated purulent peritonitis and pancreatic abscess were treated by drainage .

  5. 目的通过比较开腹手术及腹腔镜手术下化脓性腹膜炎患儿血清t-PA、PAI的动态变化,探讨其与腹膜粘连的关系以及腹腔镜手术对化脓性腹膜炎术后腹膜粘连的保护作用。

    Objective Dynamic changes of blood t-PA and PAI during postoperative peritoneal adhesion were detected after suppurative peritonitis operation , to research protective mechanisms of laparoscopy .

  6. 急性化脓性腹膜炎54例治疗体会

    Treatment of Acute Suppurative Peritonitis : A report of 54 Cases

  7. 促进化脓性腹膜炎手术康复措施的探讨

    The discussion on measure of the promotion suppurative peritonitis surgery

  8. 腹腔镜技术在急性化脓性腹膜炎诊断和治疗中的作用

    Application of laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of acute suppurative peritonitis

  9. 促进化脓性腹膜炎肠吻合愈合的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Measures Promote Healing of Intestinal Anastomosis in Severe Purulent Peritonitis

  10. 老年重症急性化脓性腹膜炎的护理

    Nursing on senile patients with severe acute suppurative peritonitis

  11. 甲硝唑冲洗液在急性化脓性腹膜炎术中冲洗的疗效分析

    Analysis on the Curative Effect of Metronidazole Douche in Operation on Suppurative Peritonitis

  12. 急性化脓性腹膜炎相关性腹水对大鼠肝脏的损伤作用研究

    Study on The Effect of Acute Suppurative Peritonitis Associated Ascitic Fluid on Experimental Liver Injury of Rats

  13. 结论甲硝唑冲洗液在急性化脓性腹膜炎患者术中有显著的疗效,在临床上有应用推广价值。

    Conclusion Metronidazole douche had obviously curative effect on the operation of suppurative peritonitis that had clinical application and popularization value .

  14. 急性化脓性腹膜炎手术中行腹腔冲洗和注入卡那霉素&30例临床分析

    Application of peritoneal lavage and injection of kanamycin in the operation of acute suppurative peritonitis & a clinical study of 30 cases

  15. 图示尸解打开腹膜腔,暴露出结肠穿孔引起的广泛化脓性腹膜炎。

    The abdominal cavity is opened at autopsy here to reveal an extensive purulent peritonitis that resulted from rupture of the colon .

  16. 结果:共有114例可评价病例进入本项研究,包括肺部感染54例,化脓性腹膜炎16例、胆道感染21例、败血症20例和化脓性脑膜炎3例。

    Results : A total of 114 evaluable patients , including 54 pulmonany infections , 16 purulent peritonitis , 21 cholecystitis and cholangitis , 20 septicemia and 3 meningitis were enrolled in the study .

  17. 方法:应用大鼠急性化脓性腹膜炎模型,用活血破瘀及清热解毒等中药进行治疗,并观察中药对伊文思兰标记的同种血浆白蛋白腹腔吸收的影响。

    Methods : Treating acute suppurative peritonitis of the rat model by using Huo Xue Po Yu and Qing Re Jie Du herbs to observe their influence on the absorption of Evans blue labelled homologous albumin .

  18. 结论通过加强围手术期处理及改进手术处理,有促进化脓性腹膜炎病人胃肠功能恢复、提高切口甲级愈合率的作用,有实用价值。

    Conclusions Through strengthens encircles surgery time processing and the improvement surgery processes , has the promotion suppurative peritonitis patient stomach and intestines function to restore , enhances the margin a-grade recovery rate the function , has the practical value .

  19. 方法回顾性分析54例急性化脓性腹膜炎的临床资料,其中阑尾炎36例,胃及十二指肠穿孔12例,小肠穿孔4例,胆囊炎2例。

    Methods The clinical data of 54 patients with acute suppurative peritonitis were analyzed retrospectively , 36 cases were appendicitis , 12 cases were perforation of gastric and duodenal ulcers , 4 cases were perforation of small intestine , 2 cases were cholecystitis .

  20. 4例胆汁瘤合并感染,3例采取经皮穿刺置管引流和抗生素治疗,其中2例死于感染囊腔破入腹腔、继发化脓性腹膜炎,1例治愈;

    Four patients with a large biloma had associated serious bacterial infections ; 3 of which were treated with percutaneous catheter drainage and antibiotics , 2 of them died of purulent peritonitis due to rupture of the cystic lesions and 1 cured with antibiotic .

  21. 全组入院诊断符合率35.4%,误诊为大网膜囊肿(23.5%)及化脓性阑尾炎或全腹膜炎(17.6%)。

    The diagnostic accuracy rates is 35.4 % , and the misdiagnosis rates to greater omentum cysts and appendicitis ( or peritonitis ) are 23.5 % and 17.6 % respectively at admission .