
huà yǒng
  • pupate
化蛹[huà yǒng]
  1. 1~4龄幼虫取食Bt棉的花及2~5龄幼虫连续取食Bt棉铃后均可部分化蛹及羽化,化蛹率随龄期增大而增加。

    As the 1st - 4th instar larvae had continuously fed on the Bt cotton flowers and 2nd - 5th instar larvae continuously fed on Bt cotton bolls , both of them could partly pupate and emerge , the pupation rate increased with the larval instar .

  2. 雌蜂经Co60辐射处理后再寄生(即假寄生)3龄寄主幼虫,被寄生后的寄主依然能正常化蛹,但不能羽化;

    When the 3rd instar host larvae were parasitized by female wasps irradiated with Co 60 ( resulting in pseudoparasitism ), almost all of them were still able to pupate normally , but unable to emerge .

  3. 浅议化蛹抽查法CCD自扫描测量光电摄像系统MTF的方法

    Method of measuring photoelectric camera system MTF with charge coupled device sampling automatically

  4. 化蛹后,CAT活力迅速上升,至中期达到峰值,随后迅速下降直至羽化。

    After pupation , the CAT activity rised rapidly and reached a peak at 48-96 h , then declined drastically until eclosion .

  5. 一化性和二化性的二化螟越冬幼虫在滞育解除方面的差异仅表现在群体临界化蛹前期的长短上,一化性CC品系的群体临界化蛹前期显著长于二化性PL品系。

    Difference of diapause termination between univoltine and bivoltine was only in the length of critical pupation time .

  6. 化蛹12h后的滞育蛹发育与脑无关。

    The development of diapause pupae did not need brain in the mid or later development stage .

  7. 平均蛹重和化蛹率都大幅度下降,且生长发育速度较CK延迟。

    The average pupal weight and the pupation rate remarkably decreased and the rate of growth and development were both delayed to the contrast .

  8. 化蛹率仅为7.2%,而CK为93.1%。

    The pupation rate of treated larvae was only 7 . 2 % , much lower than that of check ( 93 . 1 % ) .

  9. 化蛹第四天有3个蛋白点的表达量在scaleless中表现出两倍以上的上调。

    In P3 , 3 spots of scaleless up-regulated more than two times .

  10. 另一种为SP3,在化蛹时开始出现在脂肪体中,一直到成虫期仍可持续表达,因此属于持续性储存蛋白。

    In the adult stage only SP-3 was found . SP-3 as persistent storage protein appeared in the fat body of pupa , and was continuously expressed till the adult stage .

  11. 化蛹第三天,有3个蛋白点在scaleless中表现出下调,1个点表达量上调。

    In the third day after pupation , there are 3 spots down-regulated and 1 spot up-regulated .

  12. 蛹期H2O2含量呈下降趋势,化蛹后第3d~5d剧烈变化,此时SOD和CAT的活性也处于高峰值,而且雌雄间出现显著差异。

    In the pupae stage , level of hydrogen peroxide decreased and thermally agitated from 3rd day to 5th day . Activities of SOD and CAT were higher and there were significant differences between male and female pupa .

  13. 对其化蛹车具有明显的抑制作用,且随条皂素浓度的升高抑制作用越明显,抑制中浓度IC50为15.79ug/g。

    And tea saponin had significant inhibition on the pupating rate , the inhibition was more marked along the concentrations of tea saponin increased . The media inhibiting concentration IC50 , was 15 . 79ug / g.

  14. 夏威夷的研究表明,阻止辐照过的卵孵化、被处理幼虫蜕皮进入下一龄期或被处理老熟幼虫化蛹,可能需要1000居里(Gy)或更高的剂量。

    Research in Hawaii has show that doses of1,000 Gy or more may be required to prevent hatch of irradiated eggs , molting of treated larvae to the next instar or pupation of treated mature larvae .

  15. 4月上旬越冬幼虫在木质部内做一椭圆形蛹室化蛹,历时13~15d后成虫羽化。

    In the first April , the overwintering larva makes a oval papal chamber in xylem . After 13 ~ 15 days , the adult emerges .

  16. 双价棉对棉铃虫抗性种群2~5龄幼虫的死亡率、存活幼虫体重、化蛹率和成虫羽化率等生长发育的影响,均显著高于Bt棉。

    Mortality of larvae from 2nd to 5th instar was significantly higher , and the weight of survival larvae , pupation rate and eclosion rate were significantly lower fed on transgenic two genes cotton compared with that fed on transgenic Bt gene cotton .

  17. 幼虫孵出后即潜入叶肉取食,经3~4d即老熟,老熟幼虫爬出虫道化蛹的高峰期在6:00~10:00。化蛹在土表至土层3mm深处,这一土层中的化蛹数占总数的80%左右。

    The peak of pupation is found during 6:00 ~ 10:00 , the number of pupation in 0 ~ 3mm deep soil layer accounts for about 80 % of the total pupated .

  18. 目的探讨昆虫生长调节剂灭幼宝(S-31183)在实验室条件下对淡色库蚊各龄幼虫直接毒性及对各龄幼虫化蛹、蛹羽化的影响。

    Objective To discuss the susceptibility of insect growth regulators S 31183 ( pyriproxyfen ) to Culex pipiens pallens larva and pupa in the laboratory .

  19. 虱螨脲处理的小菜蛾也表现出毒物兴奋效应,其化蛹率和羽化率在低浓度(LC10和LC20)受到刺激升高,在高浓度被抑制而下降。

    The DBM treated with lufenuron showed hormesis , stimulate increased pupation rate and emergence rate by low concentrations ( LC10and LC20 ), were decreased by inhibited at high concentrations .

  20. 秋天利用5cm土层未冻结前的强寒潮天气,减少越冬虫源;初春进行树下防治,利用土壤小气候特点,恶化越冬茧化蛹的小气候环境,降低虫源基数;

    The strong cold currents before soil layer was frozen 5 cm deep in Autumn were made use of to decrease the pest sources and also the small climatic characteristics of soil were used to worsen the small climatic environment when cocoon pupates and decrease the number of pest sources .

  21. 幼虫的生长发育明显地受到抑制,幼虫生长缓慢,幼虫期延长,二龄以上幼虫化蛹率极低,处理组120h化蛹率仅为8%,而对照组为79%。

    The larval period was markedly prolonged , the larval body was gradually shrank and pupation was inhibited ( The pupation rate of the treated larvae was only 8 % , but that of the control larvae amounted to 79 % in 120h ) .

  22. 老熟幼虫在树基部周围的土壤中化蛹,化蛹深度在地下10cm左右,蛹期31d。

    The larvae have the habit of aggregation with several to hundreds and transfer from the stems to the roots . The mature larvae pupate in soil around the base of stem with the depth of 10 cm and pupal stage is 31 d.

  23. 处理幼虫后,试虫的化蛹和羽化受阻。

    The pupation and eclosion were hindered by treatment of larvae .

  24. 凡未化蛹者,内印茧率均较低。

    For those not pupated , the rate is relatively low .

  25. 而胡椒的丙酮提取液使用后菜青虫的化蛹率很高,最高达70%,其活性并不是随浓度的降低而降低。

    The pupate rate of acet extracts was higher than others .

  26. 但不同温周期处理后,其化蛹率和羽化率之间没有明显差异。

    However , the pupation rates and eclosion rates were not .

  27. 老字号:连锁经营能否化蛹成蝶?

    Whether an old firm run chain shop can be success ?

  28. 浅议化蛹抽查法对称开关电容采样保持电路的研究

    An Investigation on the Sampling - Holding Circuit With Symmetric Switching Capacitor

  29. 化蛹为蝶&试论中国魔术的复兴

    Changing The Pupa To Butterfly & On The Rejuvenate Of Chinese magic

  30. 化蛹为蝶&论青春文学中小说的嬗变后结构主义视阈下我国当代青春文学解读

    Pupa to Butterfly ; Analysis of Chinese Contemporary Literature From Perspective of Post-structuralism