
bào zi
  • plane
刨子 [bào zǐ]
  • [plane] 推刮木料等使平滑的工具

刨子[bào zi]
  1. 经过大修的刨子被装入木箱运回去。

    The much repaired plane was crated for the return journey .

  2. 木板的边已用刨子刨成斜角

    The edge of the board has been beveled with a plane

  3. 用在木头的尾齿上的小刨子。

    A small plane used on end grains of wood .

  4. 有凹刃可以用珠缘来浇铸的刨子。

    A plane with a concave blade for making moulding with beadwork .

  5. 木匠用刨子把木刨平。

    The carpenter trimmed the lumber with a plane .

  6. 他又拿起刨子来刨木头。

    He took his plane and began to smooth the bit of wood .

  7. 他用刨子弄平那块木板。

    He evened the board with a plane .

  8. 有可以刨凹面或凸面的曲面的刨子。

    A plane with a flexible face that can plane concave or convex surfaces .

  9. 做有斜面的边的刨子。

    A plane that makes a beveled edge .

  10. 用来做结尾工作的小刨子。

    A small plane for finish work .

  11. 刨子是木工的工具。

    Planes are carpenters ' tools .

  12. 像凿子、刀、刨子或圆凿有尖锐的切边的工具。

    Any tool with a sharp cutting edge as a chisel or knife or plane or gouge .

  13. 木匠用刨子把木刨平。用来刨槽口的木工刨。

    The carpenter trimmed the lumber with a plane . a woodworking plane designed to cut rabbets .

  14. 我刚开始使用的工具是简单的锤子、刨子、锯子等。

    The tools I originally had were simple ones , such as hammers , planes and saws .

  15. 有用来制作企口板板舌和凹槽的刀具的刨子。

    A plane having cutters designed to make the tongues and grooves on the edges of matchboards .

  16. 罗马的世界霸权的刨子,刨削地中海盆地的所有地区已经有数百年之久。

    Rome had driven the leveling plane of its world rule over all the countries of the Mediterranean basin , and that for centuries .

  17. 吉他可以由一个琴师在一个小作坊里,用手工工具和一些小工具的如刨子和锯子。

    Guitars can be made by a single luthier in a small shop , using hand tools , and maybe a small router and a band saw .

  18. 这只床给我睡已经够软的了,我也不知道世界上有什么刨子会把硬松板刨成鸭绒垫子。

    the bed was soft enough to suit me , and I did not know how all the planing in the world could make eider down of a pine plank .

  19. 说着,他去把刨子找来了:他用他那条旧绸帕子掸掉凳上的灰尘后,就劲道十足地开始给我刨床了,同时,象只猴子似的咧开大嘴笑着。

    So saying he procured the plane ; and with his old silk handkerchief first dusting the bench , vigorously set to planing away at my bed , the while grinning like an ape .