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  1. 中国移动数据部总经理刘昕表示,德国电信在该领域的技术已得到验证,而他的公司“有信心在明年早些时候建成100万座(4G基站)”。

    Liu Xin , head of China Mobile 's data division , says Deutsche Telekom 's technology has been tested in the field , while his company is " confident that sometime early next year we 're going to reach 1m [ 4G base stations ] . "

  2. 另一名全国政协委员、中山大学科研发展办公室主任刘昕建议将每年12月4日的国家宪法日列为公共节假日。

    Another national political adviser Liu Xin , director of scientific research and development office at Sun Yat-sen University , advised to make the nation 's Constitution Day , which falls on Dec 4 every year , a public holiday .

  3. 据汉代刘昕记载,早在西汉西方资本杂记,在重阳节戴茱萸、喝菊花酒的做法是普遍的,有人认为这对人的健康有益,有利于长寿。

    According to Miscellany of the Western Capital written by Liu Xin in the Han Dynasty , as early as in the West Han Dynasty , the practice of wearing zhuyu and drinking chrysanthemum wine on Double Ninth Festival was popular , arid it was considered beneficial to people 's health and conducive to longevity .