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  1. 中国地磁等变线图与我国强震活动

    The analysis of chart geomagnetic isoporic line and MACROSEISMIC activity in China

  2. 图为联合国人口基金援助汶川地震灾区的物资。

    The picture shows the supplies provided by the United Nations Population Fund to the earthquake-stricken area of Wenchuan .

  3. 本文力图为我国国有企业的文化建设提供理论支持和实践指导。

    This paper tries to provide theory support and practical guidance of the cultural construction of the state-owned enterprise .

  4. 在分析风电电价的构成,揭示风电价格的影响因素的基础上,为我国风电电价政策提出建议,并力图为我国风电电价制订提供有益的思路。

    After analyzing its constitution and opening out the influence factors , advices for wind-electricity price policies in China and beneficial ideas of price making are proposed .

  5. 实时航迹图使我国南极考察与社会公众的沟通能力得到提高,并为进一步建立中国历次极地考察航线显示系统做好了技术准备。

    The real-time tracking map improves the communication ability that the public understand polar exploration , and it is the technology preparation to establish " the course express system of all previous expedition ships " .

  6. 财政支出折线图表明我国财政支出占经济总量比重偏小,与世界其他国家财政支出所占经济总量比重有着较大的差距。

    Plotting of fiscal expenditure shows that our fiscal expenditure proportion of the total economy is too small , and there is a considerable gap of the fiscal expenditure proportion of the total economy between our country and the other countries of the world .

  7. 中国铁路总公司表示,新的铁路运行图提高了我国客运和货运列车的运力。

    A new railway operating plan has increased the country 's passenger and freight train capacity , according to China Railway Corp.

  8. 该图反映了我国地震活动与构造活动性空间分布的不均匀性。

    The inhomogeneity of seismic activity and tectonic movement are reflected in this map .

  9. 这样,根据《中国地震动参数区划图》及我国现行的抗震设防原则,湖南省中南部的许多城市都可以不考虑抗震设防。

    According to the regulations of China , seismic design is not required in many cities in middle and south Hunan Province .

  10. 本文根据1909&1958年五十年时期内,中国逐月的温度等级分布图探讨了我国温度的多年变化。

    The monthly temperature charts of China during the period of 1909-1958 are used to analyze the secular temperature variations in China .

  11. 但是概念图教学在我国还处于理论探讨阶段,相关的教学实践还未进行很好的总结和研究。

    But the theory of concept map teaching were still in discussion stages , and the practice activities of theory related were carried out urgently in china .

  12. 由中国气象科学研究院绘制的全国年平均风功率密度分布图表明了我国风能资源储备非常丰富,风能利用前景广阔。

    The distribution of annual average wind power density of China drawn by Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences shows that wind energy in China is available and plentiful .

  13. 除此之外还运用案例分析法,以澳大利亚国图、荷兰等国为例,为本文的论述提供坚实的实践基础。

    In addition to use case analysis to the Australian country chart , the Netherlands and other countries as an example , the discussion of it to provide a solid foundation of practice for this pape .

  14. 长期以来,君子行善不图回报是我国伦理道德传统的主流,而道德回报一直为人们所忽视,以致于现在仍然有不少人在纳闷:难道道德也要讲回报?

    For a long time , " Doing good deeds without any repayment " is traditional mainstream of our morality , and moral repayment always is so overlooked that there are still a lot of people in wonder : Does morality need repayment ?

  15. 本文介绍了多指标点图&星座图的作图方法,并用该图对我国部分培育猪种的生产性能(包括六个性状)进行了直观分析。

    The drawing method of constellation charts ( multi index point charts ) is introduced , and the production performance ( Six Characters ) of some bred swine breeds of our country is objectly analysed .