
āo bǎn yìn shuā
  • gravure;intaglio
  1. 基于UG的小型凹版印刷试验机的设计

    Gravure Testing Mechanical Design Based on UG

  2. 针对凹版印刷机的工作特点,本文提出一种新颖的凹版印刷机自动套色控制系统的实现方法,即采用多个DSP子系统与一台上位机通过CAN总线连接实现该控制系统。

    According to the working feature of gravure press , a novel control and realizing method of automatic register controller for gravure printing is presented in this paper .

  3. 芭芭拉因:在生产的第一步骤称为凹版印刷。

    Barbara klein : the first step in production is called intaglio printing .

  4. 基于PLC控制的凹版印刷机三电机同步的研究

    Research of PLC-based Three Synchronous Motor of the Intaglio Printing Machine

  5. 凹版印刷Mark线在线检测系统的研究

    The research of the online testing system Mark line of intaglio printing

  6. BOPP膜8色凹版印刷自动套色控制系统的研究

    Study of the BOPP Films 8 Colors Intaglio Printings Control System

  7. CMR凹版印刷生产线套色故障分析

    Analysis of Registration Fault on CMR Gravure Printing Press

  8. 凹版印刷VOCs废气的净化治理联用工艺用电渗析、超滤组合工艺治理碱性蓄电池污染

    Application of Combined Treatment Process for Purification of VOCs in Gravure Printing Treat basic storage battery pollution with electrodialysis and superfilter composed technology

  9. 并在凹版印刷机上已顺利调试成功。

    This method is successful in commissioning the gravure printing machine ?

  10. 凹版印刷机的工作原理与核心技术

    The Working Principle and Important Technique of the Concave - printing Machine

  11. 光纤传感器在纸币凹版印刷特征识别中的应用

    Application of optical-fiber-sensor to recognizing the characters of intaglio printings on banknotes

  12. 组合式凹版印刷机彩色套准控制系统

    Chlor Register Control System for Concave Format Combining Printing Machine

  13. 凹版印刷机行业数字化设计平台构建

    Constructing Digitized Design Platform in the Gravure Printing Machine Industry

  14. 我国凹版印刷的发展现状与未来

    Status Quo & Future of Gravure Printing in China

  15. 基于机器视觉的凹版印刷机位置控制及产品检测

    Position Control and Product Detecting Based on Machine Vision for Gravure Printing Press

  16. 凹版印刷机干燥系统节能减排工艺控制研究

    Energy-saving & Emission Reduction Technological Control Research of Drying System to Gravure Press

  17. 平台照相凹版印刷机照相蚀刻:制活版印版的一个方法。

    Flat-bed photogravure machine Photo engraving : A process to produce letterpress printing plate .

  18. 凹版印刷机的热风干燥系统对印刷品的残留溶剂量控制有着重要的影响。

    Hot air drying system plays an important role in controlling the residual solvents .

  19. 凹版印刷网点增大探讨

    Discussion on Dot Gain of Gravure Printing

  20. 滚筒式或轮转式凹版印刷机

    Intaglio printing machine , cylinder or rotary

  21. 凹版印刷常见故障及解决方法

    Common Trouble & Resolution of Adhesive-Lable Printing

  22. 铜锌合金粉在凹版印刷中的应用凹印用铜金粉的物理性能

    The Application of Mosaic Gold in Intaglio Printing Physical properties of bronze powder in intaglio printing

  23. 该套色系统采用的是凹版印刷方式。

    This system adopts intaglio printing .

  24. 无轴传动技术在凹版印刷机中的应用

    Application of Shaftless Drive in Gravure

  25. 铝箔的凹版印刷工艺

    Intaglio printing process of aluminum foil

  26. 最后,研究了所提出方法在凹版印刷机张力调节中的应用。

    In final , the proposed method is applied to the tension adjusting of the gravure press .

  27. 加压辘:在照相凹版印刷机上,给予压力圆筒额外压力的辊辘。

    Back up roller : Roller which backs up the impression roller for additional pressure in gravure printing .

  28. 滚轴涂布:用滚轴把涂层涂上纸面的情况。还可用来在凹版印刷机上作涂布思及在装订生产线上作施胶器。

    It is used as coating roller in a gravure press and glue applicator in a binding line .

  29. 本课题研究以太网技术在凹版印刷自动套色系统中的应用。

    The application of Ethernet technique in the automatic intaglio printing system has been illustrated in this subject .

  30. 在凹版印刷机印刷的生产过程当中,张力的控制好坏程度直接决定着印刷产品的质量好坏。

    In the production process of printing , the tension control directly determine the quality of the printing products .