
  1. 雅典冠军冼东妹为中国赢得了北京奥运会第一枚柔道金牌。

    Athens champion Xian Dongmei has won China 's first gold medal in judo at the Beijing Olympic Games .

  2. 广东柔道金牌得主冼东妹在奥运会前有一年不得见她18个月大的女儿。

    Guangdong s Xian Dongmei , a judo gold medalist , could not see her18-month-old daughter for a year prior to the Olympics .

  3. 柔道选手冼东妹为了实现自己的奥运梦想,把家务事放在了一边。如今,成了中国第一个金牌妈妈,她归心似箭。

    Judoka Xian Dongmei put family matters on hold to achieve her Olympic dream , and now she is China 's first gold-medal mum and she can 't wait to return home .

  4. 冼东妹在2007年1月生下女儿刘佳慧,七个月后她便给女儿断奶以集中备战奥运。为此,当地媒体曾批评她太“冷血”。

    Xian gave birth to daughter Liu Jiahui in January last year , had been criticised in local media as " cold-hearted " for giving up feeding her baby after seven months to focus on her Olympic build up .