
  1. 在专家调查分析各指标相对重要度的基础上,结合专家主观权重与客观权重,用群决策层次分析法确定评判模型中各指标的静态权重。

    The static weight of each index has been calculated by Analytic Hierarchy Process with Group Decision Making , considering subjective weight and objective weight of experts at the same time .

  2. 采用群决策层次分析法确定施工项目经理绩效评价指标权重,并用模糊综合评判进行科学评价,以得到对项目经理绩效客观、公正的考核。

    In order to make the evaluation system be more objective and fair , group decision of making AHP is used in resolving proportion of the criteria system , and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is used in order to make the evaluation more scientific .

  3. 本文综合运用国际市场学原理和多目标决策的层次分析法(AHP)和理想点法(Idealmethod)。

    In this article , by using the international marketing theory . the AHP Method and the Ideal Method of the multiobjective decision .

  4. 结合灰色关联决策与层次分析法(AHP)建立的新的决策模型结合了灰色关联决策与层次分析法(AHP)各自的优点。

    This article establishes a new decision model by combining the grey incidence decision and analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) . This model has merits of the analysis on two methods .

  5. 选矿试验方案多目标决策的层次分析法

    Analytic hierarchy process for multi-objective decision making in beneficiation test planning

  6. 基于模糊决策和层次分析法的采矿方法选择

    Choosing Mining Method Based on Fuzzy Decision and Analytic Hierarchy Process

  7. 模糊决策和层次分析法在水权初始分配中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Decision and Analytical Hierarchy Process in Original Water Right Distribution

  8. 定量型多目标决策的层次分析法

    Hierarchical Analysis for Multi-objective Decision Making of Quantity Type

  9. 对喷水室喷水系数的优化选择采用多目标决策的层次分析法,以地下水使用量、系统总费用、板式换热器板间流速为指标,最终选择一个最佳的喷水系数值。

    AHP method of Multiple-Criteria Decision Making is applied in water spray coefficient optimization .

  10. 时序多指标决策的层次分析法序时平均数的计算

    The Analytic Hierarchy Process for Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Time Series THE CALCULATION OF DYNAMIC MEAN

  11. 在进行指标分析时,借鉴决策的层次分析法,将影响代理产品经营效果的各类因素分为不同的层次,逐层考察评估。

    When analyzing factors , the effect of deputizing operation is decided into different levels and is evaluated gradually .

  12. 本文运用多准则决策的层次分析法,给出基金课题验收评议中各项指标的权重值排序,为基金课题的中后期管理提供一种供参考的方法。

    In this paper weight value order of indies is given for evaluating funded subjects by multi-criteria decision to provide a reference method for middle and last term management of funded subjects .

  13. 依据防空导弹武器系统效能的技术指标,给出层次结构模型,利用灰色层次决策和层次分析法,对防空导弹武器效能的综合评估提出了一种新方法。

    According to the technical indicators of anti-air missile weapon system , a hierarchical structured model is given . Making use of the principle of AHP and the grey hierarchical theory , this paper puts forward a new method for the evaluation of effectiveness for missile weapon systems .

  14. 用战略-机会成本决策模型和层次分析法(AHP),对企业在供应链管理下进行物流自营或者外包决策提供定性和定量的方法。

    The aim of this paper is to show how AHP and strategy-opportunity cost decision model can assist in selecting of outsourcing logistics strategies for firms .

  15. 本论文分为八个章节来讨论,第一章节为绪论部分。回顾了不确定多属性决策方法、层次分析法(AHP)以及江海直达干散货船(队)研究进展和发展趋势。

    The first chapter is an introduction . In this section , the research development and develop trend of uncertain multi-attribute decision making , AHP and sea-river dry bulk carriers ( barges ) are introduced .

  16. 针对传统ABC分类方法的缺陷,利用模糊数学多属性决策理论以及层次分析法提出了基于设备重要程度的分类决策方法。

    Aimed to avoid the drawbacks of traditional ABC classification , a method of classification decision-making based on equipment prioritization is proposed making use of fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making theory and Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) .

  17. 第7章提出了几种测度投资风险的方法,除了传统的概率、期望值、方差和标准差之外,还介绍了主观评分法、决策树法和层次分析法;

    Chapter 7 put forward several kinds of methods to estimate investment risk ;

  18. 不确定型决策的层次乐观系数法

    The Hierarchical Optimism Index Method for Decision under Uncertainty

  19. 通过实例论述了在采矿方法模糊决策中用层次分析法确定权系数的原理和方法。

    Examples are cited to explain the principle and method to determine weight coefficient using analytic hierarchy process in fuzzy decision of mining method .

  20. 本文研究和讨论了如何根据具体的决策问题运用层次分析法选择与其相适应的决策方式。

    This paper studies and discusses how to use the Analysis Hierarchy Process to select the suitable decision manner according to the specific decision problems .

  21. 利用决策分析的层次分析法对不同类型匝道综合评价,选优结果可作为决策的依据。

    Synthetically appraise different ramp types , using Analytic Hierarchy Process of decision analysis , optimal results can be used on the basis of decision .

  22. 在此基础上,对传统的竞争力理论进行了大胆的改造和发展,运用决策树法、层次分析法等方法,建立了企业核心竟争力评价指标及其指标体系。

    Then , the author used policy-making tree method and administrative level analysed method , building evaluation target and target system of enterprises core competitive power .

  23. 本文对影响供应链敏捷度的四个要素进行了分析,运用群决策理论和层次分析法建立了供应链敏捷度管理目标的模型,最后用一个实例说明了模型的应用。

    This paper analyzes four factors that influence the agility of supply chain , then builds a model to get the object of supply chain strategic management with applying the group decision theory and the analytic hierarchy process , finally uses an example to illustrate the application of this model .

  24. 作为模糊决策最常见的一种决策方法,层次分析法,其关键是获取决策者完备的偏好信息,构造判断矩阵,再运用适当的技术确定优先权重。

    The key of AHP is to construct the judgment matrices by obtaining decision-makers ' complete favorable information , and determine priority vectors with appropriate method .

  25. 产品方案决策是一个复杂的多目标决策问题,层次分析法(AHP)是解决这个问题的有效方法。

    Product scheme decision making is a complicated multi target decision making problem , analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ) is an effective method to solve it .

  26. 再次是预投标阶段可行性决策部分,在预投标阶段对影响变压器项目投标决策的各因素进行定性分析,对从多个变压器项目中选取综合价值最高项目的投标决策运用层次分析法进行研究。

    Thirdly , the paper uses AHP Analysis to conduct qualitative analysis on influence elements of bidding decision-making at pre-bidding stage and uses AHP Analysis to study multiple projects and select the transformer project which is of high integrative utility value .