- scouring sluice

Calculation of the Outlet Sluice Width in Low Dam Diversion Works
Application of Flexible Chute to Construction of Sand-flushing Sluice of TGP
Design of Flushing Gate among Approach Hinges of Low Dam on River in Mountain Area
This paper expounds the structural design of flood-discharging and sand-sluicing gate of Shilihe Reservoir .
Out-flowing water temperature control of cooling water plant for concrete construction of TGP 's flushing sluice
Concrete quick construction for shifting the temporary ship - lock to silt sluice in the Three Gorges Project
The researches for the application of the soft hose slip cylinder in the reconstruction for the sluice gate in the temporary ship lock of Three George Project
Therefore , the flow depth and flow velocity before the sluice are calculated by the river facies formula , then using the weir formula to gain the outlet sluice width .
The experimental study is conducted to show the effects of silt releasing sluice and energy dissipating downstream of spillway dam section , diverting water to prevent sedimentation , and the flow pattern at the inlet section of diversion tunnel .
This paper calculates both temperature field and stress field of the erosion - and abrasion-resisting concrete of the Jinghong hydropower project by simulating the concrete construction process of the right flushing sluice bottom outlet and the two typical temperature drop processes during the construction .
To design a low-head control division project , the question deciding parameters will be met , such as : free flushing water levels , discharge per unit width of gates , net width of gates , elevation of gate sill , relative differences of heights of gates .