
  • 网络the Cabinet Office;Japan Cabinet Office
  1. 上周,日本内阁府(cabinetoffice)证实正在考虑开始向公众宣传日元长期走强的好处。

    Last week the cabinet office confirmed it was considering initiatives to persuade the public of the benefits of endaka or a prolonged period of yen strength .

  2. 不过,有关经济衰退比预期的严重的消息出现之际,日本内阁府(cabinetoffice)表示,商业环境的最新综合指数表明,经济在“不断恶化”。

    However , the news the recession was deeper than thought came as the cabinet office said its latest composite index of business conditions showed the economy " worsening " .

  3. 日本内阁府(CabinetOffice)新近进行的一项研究显示,由于经济、社会原因或情感上遭遇不幸而有过自杀念头的日本成年人正不断增多。AssociatedPress一项新的研究显示,有过自杀念头的日本成年人正不断增多。

    The number of Japanese adults thinking of taking their own lives due to economic , social and emotional distress is on the rise , according to a new study by the Cabinet Office .

  4. 上周五,日本负责经济财政政策的内阁府特命担当大臣甘利明(AkiraAmari)透露,安倍已指示负责电信的大臣研究降低手机通话费率。

    Monday 's share price declines came after Akira Amari , economy minister , disclosed on Friday that Mr Abe had instructed the telecommunications minister to study lowering mobile phone fees .

  5. 根据日本内阁府的初步数据显示,第四季度的数字在过去三个月内下降了0.3个百分点。

    The fourth-quarter figure translates to a0.3 percent fall from the previous three-month period , according to the Cabinet Office 's preliminary data .

  6. 如果内阁府能够采取这些意见中的半数,斋藤先生说道,那将会标志着政府态度的重大转变。

    If the government takes up just half of what is proposed , says Mr Saito , it will mark a huge change in attitudes .

  7. 日本内阁府报告称,经季节性调整,日本实际国内生产总值季度环比下降7.8%。

    The Cabinet Office reports that Japan 's preliminary seasonally adjusted real gross domestic product , or GDP , fell 7.8 percent quarter on quarter .

  8. 日本国会参议院星期五批准的这项法案将把原来隶属于内阁府的防卫厅变成了一个有预算和政策制定权的省。

    The measure approved Friday by Japan 's upper house will transform the defense agency from an affiliate of the Cabinet Office to a policy-making ministry with a budget .

  9. 内阁府在1月份调查了3000名年龄在20岁及以上的人(20岁是进入成年的法定年龄),在编写调查结果的过程中使用了2017份书面调查反馈。

    The Cabinet Office surveyed 3000 people in January aged 20 -- the legal age of adulthood -- and older . It used 2017 written responses in compiling its findings .

  10. 日本内阁府公布的初步数据还显示,由于全球对日本汽车及相关零部件的需求减少,商品和服务出口下降18.5%。

    The Cabinet Office 's preliminary figures also showed the exports of goods and services tumbled 18.5 percent as global demand for Japanese automobiles and related parts waned amid slumping global demand .

  11. 根据日本内阁府的调查,2005年时仅有四分之一的民众认为核能是安全的,而去年持此观点者已超过四成。

    Whereas in 2005 only a quarter of people felt nuclear energy was safe , by last year more than 40 % did , according to a survey by Japan 's Cabinet Office .

  12. 新任命的内阁在总统府宣誓就职。

    The incoming cabinet is swearing in at the presidential palace .